Pay it Forward - Motion YoYo - Centrifugal

Awesome. And spoilers on colors?:wink:

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Dm me

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Thanks so much! And that sounds intriguing - thanks for the heads up.

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So I’ve had the centrifugal for a few weeks now and I’ve gotten some good play time with it to formulate my thoughts on it. First impressions this Yoyo’s appearance is stunning, the ice bow color way is incredible. The cuts right off the rim give this Yoyo a nice aesthetic touch. After playing with it for a few minutes it didn’t seem like much to write home about, a great Yoyo yes, but nothing too special…… I would soon change my opinions on that. The Yoyo has really good power and stability, right off the throw you can feel the big steel rims doing their job. It can cruse through a long combo and still bind back with some snap. This thing that really sets this Yoyo apart though it it’s weighs 63 grams but plays like 65, however it still plays very nimble and fast. It’s really hard to describe how it just glides through tricks while still playing like any other 65 gram modern competition Yoyo.
This is my first experience with motion yo-yos and I am super impressed with their work. Definitely going to have to grab some of their throws.
Even though I’d love to keep playing with this I do know that I’m going to need to pass it on soon.
I also recorded some tricks with this Yoyo to really try and showcase its abilities. I’ll have to see if I can figure out how to post them here.
Thanks @JEA86 so much for organizing this!


Is this list driven? If so I’d like to be on the list. :grin::+1:

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You got it

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So I’ve had this for over a month now and it’s time to pass it on. My apologies for keeping it a little over my allotted time, I’ve been busy recently. I have enjoyed this thing a ton and I’m now hooked on motion products! :joy: @Ironical_Monocle1 go ahead and pm me your address and I’ll get this thing shipped off to you soon.
Thanks @JEA86 for organizing this!


Elevated will be dropping here on @YoYoExpert very soon - if you loved this YoYo - you will love Elevated


Ohh thank goodness I was getting worried I’m close to missing it on that other store

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YYE has several colors and quite a few of them - should be plenty to go around


Awesome! I’m already planning on grabbing one


@Yoyo4life90 your up. @Ironical_Monocle1 already has one and told me to skip. Pm me you address

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@Yoyo4life90 its ready for you my friend. Pm me your Address

Looks like it’s been 24 hours @JosiahR move to the next person in line


Any room on this list?


Ok 3rd times a charm let try this again. @Upmanyu you are up, pm me your address.




Its got great power and I really liked doing more horizontal stuff with it. Thanks for organizing this!

I have enjoyed my time with it but on to the next person.
@Solemn_Kaizoku please PM me your address.


@Upmanyu is it on its way to the next person or do we need to skip to the next?

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Apologies should have updated here. Its been sent to @Solemn_Kaizoku!