Pay it Forward - Motion YoYo - Centrifugal

suuuuuper smooth man, that was rad


Really looking forward to hearing your thoughts - this your first Motion that to have tried?

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You would be right, this is my first time throwing a Motion yoyo and itā€™s a great first impression! Iā€™ve only had about an hour to throw it today between work and rehearsal but I did my best to put it through a variety of demanding tricks and styles.

My initial thoughts are that I agree with faceplant that the Centrifugal is a great all-rounder yoyo that is solid with whatever you throw at it without being made for any one style in particular. It is visually stunning (I am a massive sucker for rainbow bimetal rims and it goes so well with the main color of the yoyo), and very comfortable in the hand.

The shape is nice but I do tend to like either more rounded shapes or more flared out shapes over this but thatā€™s purely preference. Edit: Now that Iā€™m more used to it, I actually feel that the shape is very comfortable and better than I remember from earlier today. May have just been my first impression getting to know the yoyo. I also compared it side by side with my favorite yoyos and itā€™s actually almost identical in width to many throws that I thought were wider on first impression, minus the Pheasant that was just a tad bit wider.

As for the weight, I actually really like it. It plays solid and has a good amount of rim weight allowing you to play at more relaxed speeds or to throw really demanding tricks at it. It handles these very well, but I did notice it go a little bit more off axis on those bigger eli hop combos than other throws that have similar play feel, but this was relatively minor and was not an issue when I played more precisely. Edit: it also does well at changing pace when going from relaxed to medium-fast pace but does take a decent amount of effort to push it fast. That said, Iā€™m not the fastest player to begin with so this is more the range I find myself playing on a regular basis anyway so thatā€™s great for me.

Finger grinds are great but it does seem that you need to hit the gap just right or it will tend to tilt quite quickly during a grind due to its shape. This is pretty minor but an observation. Edit: This was just me rushing earlier to play it between work and rehearsal. Playing it now at a more relaxed pace, finger grinds are very easy to hit the sweet spot without tilting.

The Centrifugal handles horizontals quite well, even with my pretty limited arsenal of horizontal tricks. Either way the shape is well suited for it and it handled my simple horizontal quite well.

Spin times were great and handled longer demanding combos without having to make much adjustment as it slowed down. Oftentimes yoyos require a lot more precision as they slow down to not tilt off axis during tricks but the Centrifugal seemed to reduce this tilt. Every yoyo has it as it slows down in RPMs but it handles lower RPMs pretty well.

The response provides tight binds (using Sochi normal for reference) and usually doesnā€™t snag with multiple strings in the gap except some specific scenarios Iā€™m trying to replicate. That said, even though the string does tend to run against the response a bit during normal play I need to test more to figure out exactly what causes the occasional snagging. Could be the humidity :person_shrugging:

Rejections work well for the most part but you have to commit to it or it probably wonā€™t reject the string. That said, itā€™s stable enough that adding a bit more oomph to your rejection shouldnā€™t cause much noticeable tilt.

Suicides are solid and it keeps the loop open well to make for easier catches.

While it is a full sized yoyo, chopsticks are still very doable and donā€™t force you to stretch your fingers as far as possible just to fit it into the mount. Itā€™s a comfortable size for my hands to do chopsticks.

Again, these are all first impressions, but I will keep adding edits to this comment as I have a bit more time to play it. All in all, Iā€™m impressed and happy to have a chance to throw it for a bit! After more thorough tests Iā€™ll have more thoughts to share and I may change my mind on these opinions but hope it helps!


So cool! Thanks for the whole review! Canā€™t wait until itā€™s my turn.:grin:


Glad you liked the review! I bet youā€™ll really enjoy it!

Some quick updates and a quick trick vid with the Centrifugal!

I tried playing some 5A with the Centrifugal, and while Iā€™m not very good at 5A (and it was indoors over carpet), I just didnā€™t love it for 5A. The shape seemed to hit my hand wrong unless I caught it when it was almost out of spin. The stability and weight are great for the minimal 5A I know but the catches were uncomfortable for me specifically. Because of this Iā€™ll probably stick to 1A during the time that I have it, which it excels at!


Love your play style super smooth, also love the in depth feedback you have given - that was honestly my hope for this thread and some real exposure to Motion products.

Thank you sincerely for participating


Thank you so much for your kind words! Iā€™m glad you appreciate the feedback and the play tests! Itā€™s been a lot of fun testing it out with new and old tricks, thank you for your generosity in sending it out as a pay it forward!


Getting over my fear of 1A neck tricks and throwing in another leg trick for zoning with the Centrifugal! This thing has proven to be great for zoning even though Iā€™m newer to neck and leg tricks. Enjoy!


Love the video man - I appreciate the amount of work you have put into this thread, itā€™s more appreciated than you may realize


Not a problem, happy to help! Iā€™m glad the feedback and play testing have been helpful! Itā€™s also been a great opportunity to push myself out of my comfort zone with 1A to try a lot of things I wouldnā€™t have otherwise and to try an excellent yoyo I might not have found out about without this thread. Thank you for starting this!


Some fancy footwork and behind the back! Thisā€™ll probably be one of my last vids with the Centrifugal because I think itā€™s time to send it on to the next person in line. Iā€™ve had a blast with it and hope you do too @zaf! PM me when youā€™re ready and I can ship it on over to you


I love your flowy style. Your tricks are so different than mine. Very artistic and smooth. Love your videos!


Yo thanks man that means a lot! I do love the more artsy performances type tricks so Iā€™m glad youā€™re enjoying them!

On that note, hereā€™s the last vid before I take it to the post office this afternoon! Itā€™s been a blast and has inspired me to push my 1A tricks to a new level with making these videos. Thanks again to @JEA86 for setting this up!


@zaf any updates?

Been throwing it now and then between working on stuff. Love the aesthetic. The shape comes together really nicely with the colorway. On the string, it plays with some heft and a bit of sluggishness but it can definitely move if you push it. Binds are also very snappy, maybe too much when I tried OT fat.


Just checking in on this one, thanks to everyone who has participated

is it about time to send it on?

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Yeah if you are ready sometime next week would be good!

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Whoever gets this next is in for a treat if you havenā€™t played a motion yet be warned itā€™s a slippery slope haha


@zaf did you and @twistit make contact to get the YoYo moving forward?

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