Pay it Forward - Motion YoYo - Centrifugal

Hi, sorry for the late reply! I’ve been on the road this weekend. I didn’t realize the two weeks had flown by already! I’ll share my thoughts on the Centrifugal in a bit, still getting my stuff unpacked. @james123213 is next, correct?


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If I’m next shoot me a dm and I’ll send you the address!!!

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Please add me as well…

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So with the Centrifugal on it’s way to James, I’ve got a few thoughts on it.

First off, it’s beautiful. This is obvious in pics and in person it looks every bit as good!

Secondly, it’s super stable! The only yoyo I have that is close to the same class and type as the Centrifugal is my Speedaholic Max and they play similarly, with perhaps the edge in float going to the Max and the edge in stability going to the Centrifugal? Either way this yoyo keeps it’s axis and maintains it’s energy really well, I remember being pleasantly surprised at how much spin speed was still there compared to most of my other yoyos after doing the same routine. It does not feel excessively heavy like many other yoyos that are focused on power though, there’s enough float to keep it very fun.

For comfort on the catch, it’s not great but that’s expected. Again comparing to my Speedy Max, they’re similar in that the modified H sort of shape just isn’t made for comfort so much as performance.

The one area where I just couldn’t connect with the Centrifugal is fingerspins. The center bulb has a lot of contact with the pad on my finger when I land it, and this causes the yoyo to scrub speed and wobble off.

Overall I really enjoyed the Centrifugal, it became my stage yoyo for a couple shows and while nobody got a vid of me playing with it, I did grab a snap of it parked on my keyboard during a set. Thank you for the opportunity to try this out!



Awesome thanks so much for trying it out and giving your thoughts. I appreciate it :slight_smile:

@james123213 any updates?

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This is really cool u do this i might do one for everyone soon guys keep eye out it will be a high end throw starting monday

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How long have u had this going.for

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Looks like almost a year now!


Damm haha gotta check out

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Got you on the list

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Yea sorry been busy with tattoo work and helping a buddy tare up some carpet in his dads place after he passed, it’s amazing smooth as all hell and just flows becoming one of my top priorities to throw a bit each day with it as I’ve gotten busy lately in life but this is igniting the spark that we all have and love with the joy of the yo.
Simply amazing buddy! When do I send her off to the next?

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If you can send it to @faceplant some time this week or next that would be awesome

@james123213 is it on its way to @faceplant?

I’ll be hitting the post tomorrow!

I’ve been enjoying this yoyo for the last couple of weeks. I’ll be sending it on within the next few days. @Sgt1yoyo1 I’ll ping you for your address.

I’ll share my impressions soon too.


I really enjoyed the Centrifugal. It’s one of the best performing yoyo’s I’ve tried, if not the best. My bi-metal experience does not run deep, but I’ve tried a few, and have tried a growing number of monos. Enough that I feel confident in saying it’s a great performer. It’s very stable and can really move. Really well rounded overall. Doesn’t feel like one of those where I think it’s specifically good for this or for that, it’s just good all around. And it adapts well to your mood, whether you’re feeling fast or slower.


Just got the Centrifugal today and thought I’d film some combos straight out of the box. It’s a great performer! Will fill in with my thoughts on it as I go. Thank you @faceplant for sending it and @JEA86 for doing the pay it forward! Looking forward to throwing this one some more :smile:. Not sure why it cut off at 1 minute when there was a bit more but whatever


Great job!!! Putting it through its paces!

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Thank you! That’s the goal anyway! Figured I’d jump right in and see how it handled combos :grin:

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