Pay it Forward Modded Responsives

Hey!! @Shwa


I would take them but weā€™re off to Europe in the morning. 3 weeks. Iā€™ll jump on the next turn. Thanks for the heads up though.

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Bumpā€¦ up for grabs :grin:

Iā€™ll take it


If you go ahead and DM your address to @fatguysnacks247 thatā€™ll get things rollin. :wink::+1:


Any update on these? Have they been moved on @fatguysnacks247 @Yoyo313
Edit: apologies I forgot you sent me a DM saying you received them YoYo313. Carry onā€¦ pay no attention to me. :rofl:


Sorry for the lack of updates in here. I received these 10 days ago. I didnā€™t think to post that. My apologies


My time with these are winding down so, I will send the package to the next person to post, ā€Iā€™ll take it,ā€ here, in this thread. DMā€™s donā€™t count, it needs to be in the thread to keep everything fair (Continguous 48 states only, please). You will get these great throws to use and enjoy, completely free, for four weeks (give or take a few days)

HOWEVER! By accepting this offer, you also accept the responsibility of creating a similar post at the end of your four-week period and paying the shipping fees in sending it on to the next person.


Iā€™ll take them!


Just wanted to let yā€™all know I received the package yesterday, but Iā€™ve had a fever for four days now, so Iā€™m going to wait a few days before opening it up.


I sure hope you got to feeling better. :smiley:

Yes, I am. Iā€™ve been a bit distracted, and havenā€™t thrown them as much as I would have liked, but I have thrown all of them a little bit. This has confirmed that I would enjoy a deep state modded for a half spec bearing with those spacers. I guess I need to wait for YYE to get them back in stock, and then keep my eyes peeled for a Deep State in a colorway I really like.

I will send the package on to the next person to post, ā€Iā€™ll take it,ā€ here, in this this thread. DMā€™s donā€™t count, it needs to be in thread to keep everything fair (Continguous 48 states only, please). You will get these great throws to use and enjoy, completely free, for four weeks (give or take a few days)

HOWEVER! By accepting this offer, you also accept the responsibility of creating a similar post at the end of your four week period, as well as paying the shipping fees in sending it on to the next person.


One Drop has them for sale right now. They have a higher price than in the past though. I ended up buying stainless steel shims from an online parts house. They only sell them in 10 packs and 2 sizes are needed so you have to buy 2-10 packs and they have No affordable shipping options so it ends up costing a lot to get the shims. Iā€™m about to order some more and I could work something out with you if you wanted to acquire some. Or anyone else for that matter. :wink:

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@Shwa :smiley:

that deep state drop is one thats killing me right now! Iā€™ve had my eye on those for quite a while now and of course they get re-released when i hopped out of car trouble and into going on 3 weeks of medical issues so aside from feeling miserable, my doctor/hospital took all ma yoyo money! :sob:

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Have you tried these? Theyā€™re up for grabs. :smiley:

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i have not. if they arenā€™t spoken for Iā€™d love to give em a shot

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No one has claimed them yet so DM your info to @safetypin

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