Pay it Forward Modded Responsives

also my collection is pretty small

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I can appreciate that. I feel like this PIF gives a decent introduction to whatā€™s possible with modern designs. There are a few others Iā€™ve acquired since starting this that I also feel would be great for people to tryā€¦but I donā€™t have extrasā€¦:rofl::rofl:
I really hope you enjoyed them and formed at least an appreciation for the responsive play. Thank you again for giving them a throw.

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This has not arrived. Can you please share the Tracking number here in this thread?


Just an update. There were some technical difficulties with the shipping that are being figured out and things should be back on track soon. :grin::+1:


Any chance I could hop on this list? If it is a list anyway

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Itā€™s not driven by a list. Once posted the first to replyā€Iā€™ll take itā€ is the next to get them. So itā€™s a shootout every time. Iā€™ve seen several that were using lists and it was just not something I wanted to keep updated. This way itā€™s like a monthly contest though. :smiley: Funā€¦right??


Nice! Yeah thatā€™s a good idea, keeping up with lists does seem like it could be a pain, Iā€™ll keep my eye out then! A couple throws in there Iā€™ve been wanting to try, mainly the deepstate though


I got the package! Ill post my thoughts as I work through playing with the throws.


i shouldā€™ve added mor strings :sweat_smile: but happy it finally got to you!


So far Iā€™ve really enjoyed the time Iā€™ve been able to spend with these throws. Unfortunately, not as much time as I would have like due to some medical stuff. I personally own a Deep State, Deeper State, and Confusion; so I was able to note the differences.

The star of the show truly is the Deep State. Itā€™s absolute perfection. Here it is compared to my Deep State. Steves is the red one. You can see the gap difference.

The Deeper State was also amazing to play with. Here it is compared to my Deeper State. Steves is on top. Also a gap difference.

I tested some of the yoyos with various sizes of string. Ill try to post that data later, but my time is almost near its end. Keep an eye out for my final post.


Iā€™ve been able to get a Deeper State to feel real nice with a lubed bearing but I just canā€™t like the Deep State any other way. Iā€™ve tried many different types of lube in the bearing. Not that it wonā€™t respond, you can get very snappy response with lube but it doesnā€™t have that same feel to it. Iā€™ve modded several this way and Iā€™ll mod more in the future Iā€™m sure. Iā€™m so glad youā€™ve enjoyed them and thank you for sharing your thoughts.


Iā€™ll put a narrow C in my Deeper State and replace the response with clear flowable. Did you modify the response in yours? The bumblebee is super fun but it bit me the first day. Iā€™m not sure how, but it split about 1/3 of my finger nail down the middle. :rofl: But now I want a Bumblebee.


Iā€™ve thought about changing response but so far itā€™s Flow Groove all the way. They do protrude into the gap ever so slightly and Iā€™ve imagined that some grey would be fantastic, but Iā€™ve not done it yet. Iā€™m out of Flow Grooves though so odds are grey will be coming soon.
Soā€¦ bumblebees do stingā€¦ :grimacing:

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Sorry you had that in your life brother.

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Here we go!

I will send the package on to the next person to post,** ā€Iā€™ll take it,ā€ here, in this this thread. DMā€™s donā€™t count, it needs to be in thread to keep everything fair (Continguous 48 states only, please). You will get these great throws to use and enjoy, completely free, for four weeks (give or take a few days)

HOWEVER! By accepting this offer, you also accept the responsibility of creating a similar post at the end of your four week period, as well as paying the shipping fees in sending it on to the next person.


iā€™ll take it!


You got it. DM me your address, and Iā€™ll try to have them out Monday!


got the box rn, looking forward to trying them out!


Itā€™s time YYEā€¦ā€¦ [quote=ā€œVeedo, post:116, topic:390466ā€]
I will send the package on to the next person to post,** ā€Iā€™ll take it,ā€ here, in this this thread. DMā€™s donā€™t count, it needs to be in thread to keep everything fair (Continguous 48 states only, please). You will get these great throws to use and enjoy, completely free, for four weeks (give or take a few days)

HOWEVER! By accepting this offer, you also accept the responsibility of creating a similar post at the end of your four week period, as well as paying the shipping fees in sending it on to the next person.


Oh man, this is tempting. I know there is magic in that box. I have too many yo-yos already and another one of Steveā€™s personal collection on the way for me to try out. I better passā€¦ someone jump on it quick!

Iā€™d love to hear your thoughts on these when you have time @fatguysnacks247