Pay it Forward Modded Responsives

Hey, it stuck and it works!


I immediately knew what you were talking about. :smiley:

Understand Captain America GIF

Actual video of Steve


YAAYYYYY!!! Iā€™m Captain Star Man!!!

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So after @Captrogers I think Iā€™m next to get the modded responsives correct?

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There is no line sir. Once Cap makes these available it will be a race to be the first to say ā€œIā€™ll take itā€ Thatā€™s how it will be every time.

ok got it i just gotta scramble to get it


Nearly at the end now for the fun part.

Deeper state. I donā€™t have one. Itā€™s neat but I probably will hold off on getting one

Deep state

Steveā€™s has about a .2mm smaller gap and dry bearing while I have greased mine. However I use a thicker string so the gap is essentially the same.
Spin time difference is 7 seconds more time for Steve.

I could have gone the beating route but I like it as a fixie

Steve again has a thin unlubbed bearing while I use a bearing blank. Steve used grey while I used clear silicone. Rob tossed the throw yo rope on this which makes it respond instantly but with a thin string it out spins mine by 20 second which is not surprising. Again Steve achieved a thinner gap by this time .7mm but I imagine he uses a thinner string and the hardness of the grey vs the clear silicone would reduce drag on the string. My gap being closer to that of a gnomad fixie . Also I went with matte while Steve went glossy. I just donā€™t like glossy yo-yos though

This one is simple Iā€™m not gonna be silly about it I like my snack unresponsive and Steve has it setup with a half spec bearing it plays as expected


I canā€™t get steves open Iā€™ll maybe try to mess with it later cause it plays neat

Short synopsis if I can get steves confusion open Iā€™ll probably take notes and mod mine like his cause I like it allot and mine is set stick right now.

Otherwise I like the way my bumblebee plays as a fixie and my deepstate with its greased bearing. If I got a deeper state I would probably mod that more like Steve did so Iā€™ll take notes.


The Confusion wonā€™t give up its bearing. But I have only the 3mm A bearing in it dry. No shims. I canā€™t explain why it wonā€™t open. Iā€™m running one thick and one thin pad in it. I feel like it would operate best with level flowed pads in it but I never got to do it before sending it out. Make sure to give that Deep State a good tightening. A bit more than youā€™d normally tighten one. It literally stops tightening when itā€™s tight. I like the testing and measuring did. :grin:


morning to all

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Also on the Confusion, the bearing is a hybrid ceramic and that gives it what I like to call a super satisfying hiss to it.

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The stalkers are bearing their teeth. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Iā€™ve thoroughly enjoyed this experience testing my modding against Steveā€™s and seeing the light about a longer spinning responsive yoyo. Itā€™ll shape how I mod stuff in the future and Iā€™ll probably convert my confusion at some point taking it to that next level and silicone the response.

Iā€™m also seeing for all that Steve said about having a shaky hand his silicone job is pretty great compared to my own.

I will send the package to the next person to post, ā€Iā€™ll take it,ā€ here, in this thread. DMā€™s donā€™t count, it needs to be in the thread to keep everything fair (Continguous 48 states only, please). You will get these great throws to use and enjoy, completely free, for four weeks (give or take a few days)

HOWEVER! By accepting this offer, you also accept the responsibility of creating a similar post at the end of your four-week period and paying the shipping fees in sending it on to the next person.


iā€™ll take it


I just want all of you to know. It brings tremendous joy to me seeing you all take such interest in this. As a lovely side effect of the damage to my brainā€¦my emotions have gotten just plain ridiculous. Anger Iā€™ve learned to control, but those stupid tearsā€¦happyā€¦sadā€¦excitedā€¦it doesnā€™t matterā€¦freakin tears!!! And then my nose clogs up and I canā€™t breathā€¦hey waitā€¦ you guys are trying to choke me out!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:


me waiting for the modded responsives:


I imagine these will be on the road for quite a while and maintenance issues will arise. Iā€™ll put out that: as these are setup, none of them should feel even slightly semi-responsive. They should all have a fairly snappy response to them. If for any reason at some point they start to go semi-responsive I hope that whoever they are with will let me know and we can work out getting them back to where they need to be. CaptRogers and I had spoken earlier about him getting measurements and making comparisons, so he had my permission to disassemble these guys. I would ask please that these do not get disassembled moving forward unless it becomes necessary.
@dragonfruitea i hope you will find them worth the wait. :grin:


These look sweet! We need a modded responsive themed month :joy:




You keep trying to make it a thing, and itā€™s not :rofl:

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