Pay it Forward Modded Responsives

I wouldn’t mind being next on this. I’ve wanted to compare my mods vs Steve’s for a bit and see how they differentiate as we both have very different goals and methods when modding.

I’ll take it if no one objects


I have no objections to people following the rules at all.


@Captrogers - I already have your address, so I’ll get those out to you tomorrow!


for the BumbleBee, did you modify the posts to get the slim bearing to fit?


Yes. The posts will hit before it can tighten the bearing in all the way otherwise. I filed them both down just a little. Unfortunately when doing it I didn’t get a measurement but it doesn’t take much and a file eats the metal on the posts with relative ease. You could use shims instead but I can’t speak to what the results of that would be.

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I used shims I’ll do the “science” and compare and contrast the two methods.

ist this still open if so, then I will take any still avalible.

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Unfortunately someone beat you to it. Please keep this thread bookmarked and watching because it’s probably going to be going for quite a while. CaptRogers will be getting them and has 4 weeks to enjoy them. At the end of that time (or earlier if he so chooses) he will re-post them and you’ll have another opportunity to request them. Unfortunately only one person at a time can try them out and there are many who are fighting for them at present so it could be a while before you get the chance. But if you’re zealous and watchful you increase your odds. Thanks to all for your interest in these. I am enjoying people’s opinions of them. :grin:

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That was the issue I had as well, the posts hit each other with a slim bearing. I haven’t played it much because I’m not into slim line unresponsive throws but seeing these ideas, I think I’ll try to mod it.

Thanks for the reply.

That will be an excellent comparison. I will point out that whichever Bumblebee has the Throw Yo string on it is going to have an unfair advantage in the response department.

I’ll probably have them less time I just want to check out the differences and get ideas and I’ll add some goodies to the box for the next person.

They arrived. I’ll be too busy tomorrow to touch this but my one thought upon opening this was @rkalajian those black and yellow string are wild. I have no idea what I will use this in but I’m taking one for myself it’s a literal rope.


I’m gonna have to rebrand those strings at Throw-Yo Rope at this point.


Speaking of strings, I would like to remind all who try these that when they left me, they were setup as I like them. They are however, very sensitive to string. If you put a thinner string, it will go semi-responsive, if you go thicker you can make it a looper. So don’t be afraid to try different strings on them, I just hope that for as long as the ones that are with them are still good, they will be put back on when moving to the next person. I’ll work on getting a list of what string I had on what. But do experiment, it takes very little to change it drastically.


This is not so much a list. I liked Executice Class Lite on the Deep/Deeper State. The Deep State though was getting less responsive before I opened this PIF so I put 1 new pad in it. It then got VERY responsive so I put a Slushie string on it and it seemed to respond just the way I liked up until the day I put it in the box. I much prefer the way the Deep State plays with the Executive Class lite string, when a new pad isn’t making it way too responsive. :grin:
The Bumblebee and Confusion like a thick string. The thinnest I found to play the way I like was the Prestige from Zipline, but even this was not quite thick enough for the desired effect on the Bumblebee. Of coarse there are ROPES now!!:rofl::rofl:
I also just ordered a few sizes from @rkalajian to test out and I’ll work out getting some of that in the future to move along with the PIF. The Snack left my house with a Smoothie on it I think, but really, almost anything works great on it. That’s about all I have on that. I truly hope to see some of these guys make an appearance during MRM. :star_struck:

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Just as an FYI, I officially launched Throw-Yo Rope today.


I’d like to be added to the list to get them when the time comes.

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This one is not list generated. When the current user is done they will repost the rules, and the first person to respond “I’ll take it” is the next to take them. So it’s necessary to make sure you set this page to “watching” so you get notifications. It’ll be a race every time. Keep your eyes peeled, and be the first to respond and they’ll be yours for 4 glorious weeks. :star_struck:

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Man!!! You really sold that!!! Your wording was impeccable. :man_cook:


I’m sorry I branded your string without consent.