OVER 1 year battle

is it one throw for the qualifier?

Multiple throws are allowed as long as it fits the time window of 25-45 seconds

I’ve been yoyo-ing for a little over a year, and this’ll be my first time doing something like this. So sign me up, it sounds like fun.


Actually, I just realized that I am going to be out of town for 2 weeks. :frowning: So unless you were doing it on the 20th or something 3 weeks away, I can not participate in this battle.

Sorry :(, but im planning to start this on the 14th

Oh well. Anybody want to battle in 2 weeks?

1 more day to join in.

And the front page is updated with all you need to know for the qualifier :slight_smile:

I’ll join! I’m probably about a month or two over the limit, but really, I’m no where near as good as some people at two years or like one and a half, haha. I haven’t made a video since around November so I think it would be fun.

Hey, is there any prize involved? I was thinking of starting a battle a bit later on in the summer, and was wondering if you really needed a big prize to be successful, or if the bragging rights were enough. Thanks!

I don’t have a large enough collection to be offering prizes, but bragging rights seem to be enough.

Okay, thanks!

Okay, thanks!

Let’s get some sponsors up in this.

Sponsors would definitely increase interest and make the competition much more fierce.

All the info you guys will need is now on the first page. Good luck to all competitors :slight_smile:

Now the question becomes: who has the guts to contact someone about it (Andre perhaps?)?

I would, but I think that Andre has been generous enough by providing prizes for the Battle Royale already

YO IM IN!!! 2 Years here.

Looks like we have some late-minute entries

This looks fun. I don’t qualify, though.