Opinions on the latest Kilter 2 engraving, please

Hi fellow throwers.

What are your thoughts on the Kilter 2’s latest engraving that has the word ‘Kilter’ chopping of a finger of a tooney hand?

Is it generally well received, or do you think it is a little violent, perhaps? I also want to hear what parents think of it. Would it possibly put you off buying one for a child of yours?

I quite like it. I think it has enough toon for it not to be taken too seriously.

Please share your thoughts.

I think you have too much time on your hands. You’re over thinking this.

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Nope. I’ve heard it actually does not sell well in some areas because of the engraving. I wanted some opinions here.

I must say, I wasn’t expecting these kinds of responses.

I don’t know if I get it. It’s almost like there is some connection between the yoyo name and the engraving that I’m missing.

However, I do like the image, and I love the yoyo.
It has that classic yoyo/punk feel to it.
You guys should own it, and make a Kilter 2 shirt that has that same picture on it.

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For those having trouble visualizing:

It’s not too bad for me. I don’t really care for it, but I don’t like engravings in general.

Where did the name come from?
Only thing I can think of is that I’ve heard the phrase “off Kilter” before.

  I personally don't like the engraving, and wouldn't get one just because of that.  It looks like mickey mouse is getting his fingers chopped off.  The yoyo itself though looks like an absolutely fantastic throw for $30.

 I think yoyo manufacturers in general put too much emphasis on the engraving, and could save time and money if they just left it off.  Look at ILYY and Turning Point, no engraving whatsoever and all of their throws look so classy.  There are always exceptions--Spyy pistolero comes to mind--but I'm just saying in general most of the time engravings detract from the classiness of a throw.

Personally I don’t mind it. It wouldn’t make me more excited for it, but it also wouldn’t make me not buy it.

I really like engraving, and cartoon engraving is all that much better. I’d rather see more engraving options than crazy color options… I would have Itchy and Scratchy on all my yoyos.

That’s brilliant!
And then a Blinky!

Eh woah, I don’t like it.

honestly, I do think it’s a little violent…

Its a finger chop edition if I’m not mistaken?

Seems fine to me.

Well, that’s kinda sick, don’t you think? Someone getting their finger chopped off?

I’ve been thinking about this for a few days and I have come up with some ideas.
Throwers are a sub group of the population.
It’s a loose community with pockets here and there that are more close knit than others.
Much like you would see with any other hobby.

Within the group of throwers, there are sub-groups that usually break down with style or other interests.

One sub group that has not been around for a while is what I would call a punk sub group.
Back in the day (around the turn of the century) punk was much bigger than it is now.
If you look back and old throwing videos you can see that.
It’s very obvious in videos from the late 90’s like this:

Or this:

There are tons of other examples, but my theory is, that people who enjoy that style, will enjoy the style of the art on the Kilter 2.  It looks like a tattoo which fits very well with that type of style.

Most of the people who really like it, grew up around that time, and may remember and have a connection to the style or art form that time.
From what I can tell, most of the people that don’t like it, are younger and more into what I would consider a more current day style that is associated with throwing.

I’m not saying one is better than the other or anything like that, just that the style is at the same time foreign for some, and nostalgic for others.

For me its a reminder of the days of modern throwing’s infancy and now that I think of it, it might be perfect as a tattoo!

As an finger amputee myself, I find it a bit disturbing. Now, I would never say that they couldn’t put that graphic on their yoyo. That’s completely up to them. But for me (and that’s the important part, “FOR ME”) it would put me off. I wouldn’t buy it.

I also know that my young grand daughter, who also plays yoyo, wouldn’t like it. If she had one she probably wouldn’t play with it because of the scary graphic. It would be too gross for her.

So it really comes down to “it depends”. It’s not so much a case of being offensive because it’s not really offensive. It’s just that some people would be ok with it and others wouldn’t. And that’s fine. It doesn’t need to appeal to everyone.

Spanish man here, looks alright to me.

Although I have to say that in my country people are less sensitive to this kind of things, I don’t really think many people here would have trouble with that engraving

I think it’s just a lot more fun sitting back, chilling, and not worrying about stuff like this too much.