One Month

I gotta say this project continues to be more of a challenge than I expected. Granted, the time I’ve had available for throwing has been a lot less lately. The challenge isn’t really in the tricks though. I really, really want to throw something with a bearing in it. I think I’m missing the flow of nonresponsive play. I’m baffled by the fact that i actually am having a kind of bearing withdrawal. It strikes me as funny and bizarre. Where does a toy get off becoming such a big part of my life that I actually experience discomfort without it? (I do remember being very depressed for about two weeks when I was 17 and had no guitar to play. I think I’d feel much the same way if I woke up tomorrow and all my yoyos were gone.) Don’t get me wrong. I love the No Jive very much and will play it often after this month is up but there are elements of yoyoing that I like and can’t quite experience with wood yet.

Also, I recently started reducing my caloric intake, working out more often and more intensely, and eating better foods. Sticking with wood for a month has been a lot like that transition into a healthier lifestyle. I may be hungry sometimes and I may crave Taco Bell (no beef, sub bean, please) but seeing it through will make me a better person. Choosing to throw one yoyo exclusively for a month may seem like a trivial thing–to many of you it may very well be a trivial thing–but something that small seen through to the end can become profound. I’m still committed to the month (January 2nd is my end date, I think) and I’m still hoping to have some cool tricks down by then.

Oh man, I’m glad I’m not the only one jones’n for other throws!!! I feel like a YoYo junky, and I’m Straight Edge, LOL!!! But I am falling in love w/ my FH2. I hated this Yo when I first got it and never really enjoyed playing it but now, I’ll always have it on me. I’m also stoked to know that they are coming out w/ a new FH2 that is factory recessed. I’m very happy I’m doing this challenge, its a great time, but as of right now, I have to take a day off do to really dry skin from the cold. The string is ripping my hands apart and don’t get me wrong, playing to the point of bleeding is awesome. To bad it hurts at the end of the day. ;D

Im having trouble too… I dont know why but my M1 dies pretty quick… Its upsetting, and there should be a PGM in the mail any day because of a trade… I want it to get here but at the same time I dont… I dont know what I’d do if I got it and had to set it down for half a month.

Hope you get that worked out, Mitch.

I am this close to pulling off Cold Fusion. thisclose.

If I can get about 3 more seconds of spin I’ll have Cold Fusion. Just gotta smooth it out a bit.

Good deal man!!! I’m kind of in a learning rut right now. It’s kind of aggravating, but I’m still have’n a good time. I also recessed the FH2 over the weekend and it plays so smooth now. Well, back to work now, god I hate Mondays! :smiley:

Just nailed a laceration and then popped it into a triangle all in 5A w/ the FH2, WORD!!! To bad I also ripped the silicon out of it too. I think I have to go a tad deeper w/ my recess before I sili it again! :smiley:

I have been working on a nice little Chops combo with the M1, and tonight was the first time so far that I’ve set it down… The PGM I traded for finaly came and I gave it some play time… That is such a sweet lil yoyo… Tiny gap though… I figure I can play with it for the rest of the night and then pick the M1 back up tomorrow…

Make sure you let it cure, too. I’ve ruined sili by being impatient before.

I hear ya man, I let it sit over night then played it but I think I should go about another mm deeper. Should fix the issue, I hope.

Here’s hoping. I’m thinking about picking up a fh2 to learn 5a on. I have an FHZ but it’s super smooth and dead nonresponsive and I don’t want to kill it learning 5a with it.

So, my wife who wouldn’t buy me a yoyo for Christmas gave me my gifts early. She got me a buttkicking new keyboard and mouse (I griped about mine some) and an Ebay gift card to, “buy yourself a yoyo with”. (I knew I could break her down with my charm) I bought a Throw Monkey to learn some 5a on. I used to have one but traded it off and have kinda regretted it. This one’s black with orange rims. I’m kinda excited.

No yoyos for christmas :(. Some dumb kid broke my guitar so I’m getting another one.

Dude, that sucks.

Well, the one month is over for me. I had a great time w/ this challenge, and have a new love for both 5A and my FH2. Today I got my M1, and I must say, I’m love’n it. Haven’t had much time to throw it do to my boys got a Wii from Santa this year. Shisaki, sorry to hear about your guitar, I hope you get another one as nice as the SG. Waylon, I’m glad you decided to roll with Ed’s idea and share this challenge w/ the forum. I hope you enjoy your throw monkey too. Until next time guys, enjoy your holiday and take care.

Well, I got a protostar for christmas, and today I packed it up along with my PGM I got in a trade and its back to straight up 5A, I found a friction sticker so I picked up the FH2 like I originaly planned, yanno, the FH2 is a sweet little yoyo…

Congrats. Hope you got something good from it.

Ya, I had a blast. I keep finding myself picking up the FH2 over most of my throws, even the new M1. My son got a FH2 from my sister also, so he’s all stoked to be like daddy, LOL!!! I just hope I can teach him something ;D

Well, my month is up. I’ve definitely grown as a yoyoer and learned more control and finesse. I’ve had some personal issues that stole some of the joy of the experience but I imagine I’l try another month with another style of play. Thanks to all of you who participated and shared the experience. And thanks to Ed for the inspiration.

Something I have always wanted to get good at, but never really thought, hey i am going to sit down (wait you cant yo-yo sitting) Stand up ^.^ and learn Counterweight…until now. This is a great idea. I hope you dont mind Ed, but to me, ONLY doing counterweight, quite frankly doesnt sound very fun, and to me, having my new boss and tactic sit for a month would be a shame. So for at least one month i am going to try to learn 1 new counterweight trick a day at least. And not just know it, but get it down. I feel that doing this, i will still be able to have fun with my new yo-yo’s and my love for string, but still get a beneficial learning of 5a.
My red die i calling and my x-con is lonely.