Here are some really bad ideas for yoyo themed months:
Banuary - You can ban any other member from the YoYoExpert forum for the entire month of January with no questions asked.
Full Time February - You must yoyo all day for every day in February. There are no exceptions for school, work, family, etc.
March of the Yoyos - You must organize a yoyo parade in your home town or city to be held in March. If you can’t get any other yoyoers to join you, then you must march alone.
D.N.April - You must post a video of yourself doing the D.N.A. yoyo trick every day in the month of April.
May I Yoyo? - You must ask permission from your parent/guardian/spouse/spiritual adviser/etc. every time you want to yoyo in May. If you’re told no, then you can’t yoyo at that time.
Throw at Noon June - For each day in June, every yoyoer in the world stops what they’re doing at noon UTC and yoyos for 15 minutes.
Christmas in July - You must do at least one of the following in the month of July: Organize a Secret Santa yoyo exchange, post a yoyo trick video while dressed in Christmas attire, post a yoyo trick video choreographed to Christmas music, share a picture of a yoyo with a Christmas themed engraving.
Walk the Dogust - You can only do variations of the yoyo trick Walk the Dog for the entire month of August. No other tricks are allowed.
Swap for September - You and another yoyoer swap your entire yoyo collections for the month of September. At the end of the month, you each get to keep one yoyo of your choice before returning each other’s collections.
One String October - You can only use one yoyo string for the entire month of October. Replacing a string is not allowed under any circumstances.
No Throw November - You can’t play with a yoyo for the entire month of November.
December Deshielder - You must deshield at least one yoyo bearing every day during the month of December.
Do you have any bad ideas for a yoyo themed month? Please post them below.