Yoyo months of the year

What are the 12 yoyo months of the year
Modern responsive march
Fixed axel February


@Captrogers - You’re up!


Any yoyo April



well i dont know all of them but

January new year we all broke after christmas lol
February - FAF (fixed Axle February) (Mostly 0A but really just fixed axle on any style)
March - MRM (modern Responsive March) (Responsive any style but mostly 1A and 0A) also 3A march i guess not sure on that one
April - 2April (2A April, Two handed looping)
May - 5A may (counterweight Play 5A responsive or unresponsive)
June - National YoYo day (june 6th)
October - Offtober (4A off string)
December Christmas (non of us have time for an event bro)

admittedly 2april isn’t a thing… yet.

3a was trying to happen in march too. not sure they can be shared i guess

unres 1A is like all day every day so i dont think we give that a month…

ideas for silly stuff. Soloham September? Poi Style July? whatever Jei’s wild style is november?

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Move 3a to August.

Just 1 July? Play with only ONE yoyo the entire month?


what like ed with his single yoyo for a year thing but a month? that would be neat how would i choose.

i honestly agree move 3a to august but im not a 3a guy so i feel bad trying to throw that out there.

3a august has a nice ring to it

So something like this?

January new year we all broke after christmas lol
February - FAF (fixed Axle February) (Mostly 0A but really just fixed axle on any style)
March - MRM (modern Responsive March) (Responsive any style but mostly 1A and 0A)
April - 2April (2A April, Two handed looping)
May - 5A may (counterweight Play 5A responsive or unresponsive)
June - National YoYo day (june 6th)
July Just 1 July - only one yoyo all month
August 3A August (3August)
October - Offtober (4A off string)
December Christmas (non of us have time for an event bro)

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We should make 1A January a thing, since we all probably got yoyos for xmas anyway lol.

2A April is destined to happen! :laughing:. Its like Thanos, inevitable.

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No-Throw November - Take a month off without throwing a single yoyo.

…Bahahahahaaa :rofl:


It would be dope if we used an open month, as a collective, to make the BST super active.

Have a thread that month where people can post their trades they acquired and what not.

It’s being some traffic to the forums and hopefully would spawn business for yoyoexpert throughout the rest of the year.


3A March is like a global thing.

Tbh imma play whatever style whenever I want anyways, so I’m not all that invested in the named months. It is fun when there’s events tho and I do think the named months are a fantastic way to highlight and bring attention to the different styles of Yoyo.

I will say I’m excited for 5a May bc the 5a players go pretty hard and drop a lot of new content around then. I would never only play one style for a whole month though bc that’s just not how I like to play Yoyo, I love the variety of switching styles.


I like the idea of November being a BST month. Get some throws some new homes before the holidays.

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With September is left
May be Soloham September (SS) could be a thing :thinking:

That works out well

January Show off your new throws
February - FAF
March - MRM
April - 2April
May - 5A may
June - National YoYo day (june 6th)
July - Just 1 Yoyo
August - 3August
September - Soloham September
October - Offtober (4A off string)
november - BST Push
December A month off.

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What about “Remember Remember November.”
You play the yoyo(s) that originally got you into, or back into the hobby again :wink:


Whoops, I jumped the gun on my previous message, haha.

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We could always do a gift exchange in December.

Actually we could do

  • 44 Selling (November)
  • 44 Buying (December)

Because we cannot let that $$$ escape the yoyo cycle

That’s true December is secret santa