Organic October

I decided I’ll probably just play organic yoyos this coming October just to change things up (with the exception of fixed axle friday). Does anyone else have seasonal, monthly, or weekly fluctuations in what you throw? Why does this occur?


I’d like to know too. Especially with 5A may. Why is may for 5A and why don’t the other A’s have their own months?

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Considering how much I’m falling in love with 4a, every month is going to be 4a month, for me, :joy:.


It’s like how every day is “national something day”… it’s just another way for the man to keep tabs on us through social media hashtags. I ain’t gonna be part of this system. I’m an adult.

I throw what I want, when I want.


I have a sunday-yoyo. I throw it only on sundays at home over the carpet. It is very precious to me and i don´t wanna ding it. Also it´s very stable and smooth. I would get sloppy with other yoyos if i used it too often. :wink:


Well there is:
1A Everyday
Fixed Axle February
5A May
Slimline Summertime
Mono-Metal Monday
2A Tuesdays
Fixed Axle Fridays.

I play yo-yo everyday, so for me its a way to focus on a play style and on part of my collection. I don’t have a strict rule or anything, I regularly play fixed axles almost everyday anyways, as 0A is a great way to warm up. So even though its Tuesday I’ll give the loopers some reps at some point today , but I’ve already been playing fixed axle and an 1A unresponsive mono-metal this morning, I also have a bi-metal on the desk as well.


Best video ever.


The lonely island right ?

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