One Drop YoYos Official News

Any idea on when the Bi-metal will be ready?

No estimate on that right now.

That’s what I’m saving for. It is one of the reasons why I’m not getting a ti.

I am not sure that makes sense.

While the Ti yo-yo will be done in a week, the bi-metal has no announcement of anything at all. You are making a buying decision based on speculation with no facts to back it up.

Personally, I would go with the sure-thing.

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The only fact that I’m going off of is that it exists, and will be released in the future. Therefore, I shall wait. The only 2 throws I’m planning on getting is the Yeti and the OD bi-metal. Other than those two, I have yet to see a yoyo that really sparks my interest.

I guess you’d take interest if a yoyo was made by Ricoh, Konica, or Xerox ? :smiley:

I have a few questions:

  1. Will the citizens be sold here or on another website?
  2. Shipping cost?

Thank you for reading/answering :smiley:

Hello I was wondering if you guys are going to produce any more Side Effects like Silver spikes, Silver Ultralites, Brass Spikes, Brass Markmont classics. The reason Why I was asking is every e-store is out of them. Secondly thanks for making such great Yoyos.

  1. Yes the Citizens will be sold at YYE
  2. Shipping cost is up to YYE

Thanks for the support!

We are working on restocking various Side Effects. YYE currently has a decent selection but lots more are coming.

Just got the Citizens back from our engraver. Gotta give these beauties one final run down and then they’ll be off. Thank you guys for being so patient!


^^ So Hyped to get one! ;D

So beautiful, would love to see more angular photos of the yoyo.

so siiiiiick

Man might not be able to resist this one.

Ima beat Gambit to it and say three words:

That foam cube :o

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Hahahaha! That’s made my day that has, because that’s exactly what I was going to say. That foam cube placement is immaculate. #foamcubegameover9000 :o

I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited about a yoyo drop. I feel like a kid staring through a candy store window waiting for the door to open. :stuck_out_tongue:

BUY ALL THE ONEDROP TITANIUMS! throws wallet at computer screen

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I caught it it had 1500 $ in it here come my citizens I’ll probably give you one. Lol.

I know this has been asked before but about how much will the ciTizen be? If it is going to be fairly close to 300$ USD I’ll be paying 380$ CAD :-.

:’(Curse that blasted exchange rate!!!

ikr. It’s such a shame.