One Drop YoYos Official News

Andrew finishing up with the polishing!

Hey Paul,

Are you guys planning on making multiple runs of the Citizen or is this a one time thing? Not sure if I’ll have the funds ready when they drop but I really want to score one of these bad boys!


I think we’re past funds by now… it’s time to start offering organs.

What’ll a liver get me? Non-drinker, so it’s in good nick. ‘Near mint’ even…

Seriously though, I’m so hyped about this. Can’t remember the last time a yoyo got me this excited. I hope it still comes with a foam cube, despite it being titanium… ;D

Looking like it’s going to be only one run.

Oh dear, I’m going to need to step up my checkout game. :-X

Sorry if this question has been answered before, but what’s the rough size of the run? Want to get an idea what my chances are…

Somewhere around 115 serialized yoyos total. In addition to that there are a handful of protos and “shop-throws” kicking around.


Newb question:

Citizen will be my first Ti throw, but I’ve never seen anything about the finishing process on Ti yoyos. Is it basically going to be raw? Or clear anoed? Do you guys do any sort of blast on these puppies or is it just polished? Also should I expect it to grind like a raw throw or more like a shiny non-blasted anoed aluminum? Thanks for the help!

I would like first dibbs on the torched one PLEASE ;D

Ugh… one run? What’s the point?

lol, 115 seems like a decent amount for a $250-$300 yoyo. It’s not like they’re making 10 of the things.

I don’t understand your question?


Yeah I need this!

Will these be engraved AFTER the assembly process? So the halves will have matching serial numbers?

Yup :slight_smile:

Damn these are taking a long time. Guess you can’t rush perfection but it’s hard to not get a little impatient

I just hope the price keeps these from insta selling out. I want one badly.

Any mention of the price yet?

In and around $300

^^^ yup right around that price.

Once we have the packaging done and the yoyos engraved we’ll be show the final full product. At that time we’ll announce specs and official pricing.

Hopefully we’ll have this within a week …