One Drop YoYos Official News

It’s going to be available here at YoYoExpert starting March 25th!

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Is there a date for the next “7 Summit” release ?

No set date. They shipped out to YYE last week so as soon as they get them and put them up is the release.

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I spill the beans on what’s been going on here at One Drop!

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broken heart 7075s

Still waiting with baited breath for the silver plated markmonts. Any idea when they will be hitting stores?

Purple Rally eh? Clear/purple tint with purple rims would be sweet.

All this One Drop news. I’m HYPED! A new One drop Ti throw wow

When are we going to see special colors for downbeat? As much as I want one, I’m gonna have to sit this out, I get bored with solid colors.

I need an argonaut pink and purple cascade pretty please :slight_smile: thats my dream throw I think.

Who am I kidding… I see a solid Orange downbeat in my future.

Working on those! We have solids and special editions out at our anodizer.

There’s nothing wrong with having two of the same model!

It is when your broke and we have to sell Steve brown for cash. Cogh cough cough oh man I don’t know what just happend

I’ve been trying to make my way through all of the Onedrop lineup. I can’t stop throwing the MMC, Cascade and 14 benchmark V.

Also, the 7Summit I didn’t like at first… Stuck with it a few days and now I love it.

You definitely can’t go wrong with the cascade… Always one of my daily throwers! One of the top yoyos ever made imho. I’m sure plenty would agree tho…

Word! I had the cascade all of 10 minutes and thought wow, this is a truly great yoyo.

I am worried GZR added weight will not be as good though. We’ll see. Anyone have thoughts on this?

PS - side effects are also truly great. Why everyone doesn’t use side effect system is beyond me. I need OD to release a new 50mm side effect throw.

I wish I could have the cascade and 14V make a 50mm baby together, in hot neon pink & purple.

I wish more companies would use SE, too. But playing Devil’s Advocate, there are 2 reasons why one might not go with an SE system:

  1. There’s a small additional cost to your yoyo. If you pass it along to the buyer, that makes for higher MSRP.
  2. Can’t have a empty cup. No matter what, they take up that space in the middle of a cup. Even One Drop doesn’t use SE on every yoyo; they will use whatever the design requires (examples: format:C, Valor)

Agreed a hundred times about the Cascade. An absolutely wonderful yoyo.

Black smoke MMC has arrived… Uhhhh… Fanflippintastic!

GZR Ayame Cascade… One of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen AND plays just fine with the extra weight. I did throw some spare purple ultra lights on it but really didn’t make a huge impact in play IMO.

I know we are in the OD thread but thinking of what would be cross of cascade and 14V I decided to try CLYW Puffin 2 matsuri… I like supporting 100% USA made but OD machines them right?.. So I picked one up…

Holy smokes… Uhhh… I can’t put it down. Dear OD, release something similar scaled down a bit to 50mm and paint it hot pink with sparse white speckle = I’ll probably sell all my others except for MMC black smoke.

Anyway, enough from me, time to play.

Sounds like a huge mail day! Thank you for picking up some One Drops as well as a Puffin 2 from CLYW! Your hands are going to be quite full for the next few months.

Big things are happening here at the shop! Well, away from the shop. Just got the keys for our new location.

Follow me as I give y’all a quick tour of the place. ;D

Cool. Good luck guys

Just got my Downbeat and it’s love at first throw!

I’m a lover of heavier throws, and the Downbeat is heavy done right. I’ve been throwing it to a chilled out iPod playlist all evening and it’s been an absolute delight. You’ve excelled yourself gentlemen!

It fits right in to my expanding Onedrop collection. Keep 'em coming lads! ;D

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