One Drop YoYos Official News


The Downbeat has my interest… but I’m more interested to see the fruits of that stainless steel ring they’ve teased here and there…

This! I was on that hype train from the beginning, and as I’ve mentioned before the MC turned out to be pretty much my perfect yo-yo. It’s ok to hype if you back it up!

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For me the MMC showed that even in a time of sharp angles, extreme rim weight and competition orientation, a chilled out, organic-yshaped throw can still hold it’s own. :wink:

Have you heard anything about the Downbeat? Seems most of us just know it exists, but know nothing about it, yet we are all excited about it. Must be a One Drop thing ;D

I was just noticing how all but 2 of my modern yoyo’s are either One Drop’s, or One Drop was the machine shop who machined them. Anti-Yo, CLYW and One Drop fills my case. Still have a few One Drops that I REALLY want to get, they’re on my list for this year, looking forward to seeing new items they’ll put out this year.

Hopefully this will hold you guys over until sometime next week!


was there a downbeat v1?

So, did everybody miss this on the OD Instagram?

What is Mark doing in the kitchen so soon after the MC???

Not saying that as a bad thing, just piqued my interest very much…

plot twist: there is a bearing attached

double plot twist: the yoyo is HUGE.

how huge is huge? :wink:

From that spec sheet listed above, looks like a little larger than the MC

Yeah. Between 57 and 58mm isn’t “huge”. It’s oversized, but it’s not into H5 territory. :wink:


Any idea when the silver plated markmont classics will show up in stores?

And then there’s the Dreadnaught G which was by no means light. :smiley:

Ok, was thinking that I wouldn’t get a Downbeat, I’d wait for other releases, then I saw the video…

Take my money…again :slight_smile:


check the Yoyo Redditt or the onedrop YT.

Thanks, I just watched it!

The footage of Kevin hit me pretty hard considering I didn’t know of him at all until I heard of his passing.

Watched that video again, and read the specs on yoyonews, really can’t wait for this.

That brings up a question, How long are we going to have to wait for it? ;D