I love the look of the 7075. It’s so much brighter, and it definetly shines with McKinley. Nicely done.
Any idea when details on the Downbeat will surface?
In time my friend. =)
and im just here derping for delirium dive valor
When, oh when can I buy one of those beautiful marcmont. Classics? So pretty…
I think it’s because of how great the Ayame Colorway is ;D
On a side note, meant to hit quote not Athe thank you option.
Ayame is wonderful. Splash on clear is wonderful in general.
Don’t worry, our next yo-yo release will have a BUNCH OF SOLIDS. ;D
I may have missed it, but did you guys ever release any of the table tops you made a while back? …I haven’t seen them sneak out anywhere.
I think One Drop have been too quiet in general…there must be something big cooking up there in Oregon.
The big cooking better be massive amounts of side effects of every color and shape! ;D
My wallet is ready lads. Just say the word.
Something big must be on it’s way. One Drop has been WAY too quiet about upcoming releases. I think that is driving me nuts more than when a yoyo is really hyped, probably because this way I don’t know what my next yoyo is going to be ;D
Info on the Downbeat coming really soon …
Folks complained that the MC release was over hyped (although I disagree). Maybe they’re going with radio silence for the next one.
Yeah it’s hard to get the balance right
(plz reply to this…)
I loved all the MC “hype.” Which turned out not to be hype, but truth, that thing is a beast!
Looking forward to hearing about the Downbeat.