One Drop YoYos Official News

Benchmark Series 2014

Coming soon to YoYoExpert.

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Nice! Looking forward to seeing the specs and shapes!

oooh looks interesting I’m excited!!!

I like the Bassalope-esque hub ridge

I can’t really see, but are there no side effects this time? That’s what the blue one looks like.

It looks like a whole new side effect all together. If you look closely at the end of the “hub” it has a little ring. It’s about the same distance away from the cup as most of the hubs on SE yoyos. This leads me to think its a new side effect. It’s probably a lot like an ultra lite where you can’t see the axle.

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OMG!!! I can’t wait for these to come out. What are the shapes, sizes, and prices?

One Drop said that those are side effects. I thought the same at first since they did such a good job at making it look like regular hubs.

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Common sense would dictate that if One Drop was ready to share that information, it would have been in this post? Patience…although there may be a Flickr of hope if you know where to look.

I am watching the One Drop Shop Cam Live right now and I see Paul packaging up the new Bmarks. They look like Bell Shapes.

Is it my imagination, or do those teaser pics look like they could be mid-sized or even undersized?

Getting hype again…

OD. So much good all of the times.

Onedrop with yet another great surprise! You guys are the Best and I look forward to these new benchmark lineup! Can’t wait! :slight_smile:

Any news on more Valors? ;D

I’m not one for multiples, but I’d consider it for a blasted catch zone on a Valor.

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Well will there be announcements of the shapes, sizes, and price of the 2014 Benchmarks?

I’m going to guess…in about 3 minutes.

I don’t get it

I guess Paul is taking a little longer with the post than I anticipated :slight_smile: It’s coming…

and there it is :,79703.msg896165/boardseen.html#new

Sorry for the late post guys! Here are the Benchmark Series 2014 in all of its glory!

We started the Benchmark Series in 2013. Our goal was to provide high-value Side Effect yo-yos that were our take on the standard shapes/ideas for that year. Three different shapes were released that all shared the same width, diameter and weight.

2014 is coming to a close and the new Benchmarks Series will be releasing.

The basic idea is the same, but we feel we have pushed the envelope even further in a few ways.

*This year there will be four shapes all sharing the same width, diameter and weight: W, H, O ,V(left to right in photo).

*They all feature a variation of the “Drop Step” weight distribution seen on the Cascade and Summit.

*The width is 1mm bigger.

*The diameter is 1mm smaller.

*The shipping weight is 1 gram lighter.

*They all come with a new Side Effect: Flat Caps, which weigh in at 3.3 grams.

In general the play characteristic could be described as faster than the 2013 models. Even though they might look similar from a profile view, the weight distributions are much different and they play a lot different. These aren’t meant to replace the 2013 models.

We admit that what we called the “V” in 2013 could have probably been more accurately described as a Wing shape. This year we have added a true “V” shape and are calling the shape similar to the 2013 “V” the “W” for Wing. Hope that isn’t too confusing :slight_smile: (2013 model names will not be changing).

We have found ways to make these even more efficiently (with no sacrifice to quality) so the starting price for solids will be $58!

More value, more choices, more fun.


Base Weight: 62 grams
Shipping Weight: 65.30 grams (with aluminium Flat Cap Side Effects)
Width: 43 mm
Diameter: 55 mm
Stock Response: Flow Groove
Gap Width: 4.32 mm
Bearing Size: Large (C) stainless steel (One Drop 10 Ball Bearing)
Finish: Pyramatte ™
Axle System: Side Effect ™

Coming to YoYoExpert on Novemeber 28th, 2014.