One Drop YoYos Official News

Thanks man :slight_smile: Appreciate your support.

Benchmark Series 2014

Coming soon to YoYoExpert.

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Nice! Looking forward to seeing the specs and shapes!

oooh looks interesting I’m excited!!!

I like the Bassalope-esque hub ridge

I can’t really see, but are there no side effects this time? That’s what the blue one looks like.

It looks like a whole new side effect all together. If you look closely at the end of the “hub” it has a little ring. It’s about the same distance away from the cup as most of the hubs on SE yoyos. This leads me to think its a new side effect. It’s probably a lot like an ultra lite where you can’t see the axle.

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OMG!!! I can’t wait for these to come out. What are the shapes, sizes, and prices?

One Drop said that those are side effects. I thought the same at first since they did such a good job at making it look like regular hubs.

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Common sense would dictate that if One Drop was ready to share that information, it would have been in this post? Patience…although there may be a Flickr of hope if you know where to look.

I am watching the One Drop Shop Cam Live right now and I see Paul packaging up the new Bmarks. They look like Bell Shapes.

Is it my imagination, or do those teaser pics look like they could be mid-sized or even undersized?

Getting hype again…

OD. So much good all of the times.

Onedrop with yet another great surprise! You guys are the Best and I look forward to these new benchmark lineup! Can’t wait! :slight_smile:

Any news on more Valors? ;D

I’m not one for multiples, but I’d consider it for a blasted catch zone on a Valor.

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Well will there be announcements of the shapes, sizes, and price of the 2014 Benchmarks?

I’m going to guess…in about 3 minutes.

I don’t get it

I guess Paul is taking a little longer with the post than I anticipated :slight_smile: It’s coming…

and there it is :,79703.msg896165/boardseen.html#new