One Drop YoYos Official News

That’s why collectors are buying 2 :slight_smile: I’m personally playing with both of mine, but I wanted the Collector’s Edition “stuff”.

This is why I bought the Collectors Edition.

When are the Benchmark 2014s coming?

We are trying to have them release on Black Friday - looking good so far …


Will they be the same price as the other ones? Where may I find some info sooner?

We’ll drop more info soon - next few days probably.

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since your still online da5id, did all he markmont classics ship with the draken string or just the SE?


Standard editions came with the throw, and both SEs. Darkens only came with the Collectors edition

i meant special edition when i said SE, but i see what you saw now. i have a mmc and im just wondering what string it came with because i like it.

Wait, the standard edition came with brass and aluminum? Mine only came with the brass installed.

It should have. If it didn’t, contact YYE and they will send it to you.

The string is Markmont draken strings by toxic strings.

Cool, I thought they were all supposed to come with both, but figured I misunderstood when mine only showed up with brass.
been running it with aluminum ultralights, so I think I’m going to prefer the aluminum ones.

“Collectible” does not necessarily imply monetary value. It does, however, imply that there may be interest or value to a “collector”. People collect sea shells, pretty rocks, leaves…things with no inherent monetary value, yet they are collectible. Your definition of collectible is very narrow compared to the rest of the world, but, since you have such amazing omniscient marketing prowess, why don’t you start making and selling your own products, instead of criticizing those who actually try to make a living doing so? I, for one, would be very interested to see your own product creations and marketing approaches.


The definition of ‘collectible’ is “something that is considered valuable by collectors and usually kept as part of a group of similar things”. No where on any dictionary online have I found collectible to imply any monetary value. It is all perspective of the collector - and the collector’s edition I think here serves its purpose quite well.

Further - I see you make a lot of ‘points’ here on the forums which is fine. We are entitled to our opinions I agree. But I would much rather see positive posts about what people ‘like’ about something or what they found unique rather then what feels like constant poking & prodding at any tiny negative thing. It takes a lot of time, energy, work, and money for people to build, design, and create. There are people behind these products and companies that care a lot about what they do. When you say “I am NOT ragging” it implies that you know that is what you are actually doing?

My opinion though, nothing more :slight_smile:


Original packaging with a toy certainly can add collectible value. (just ask my Remco Lost in Space Robot :slight_smile: )

As far as a yoyo example goes… I offer this. I had another example of this yoyo but the packaging was the reason I wanted, and traded for this. by lj_vegabomb, on Flickr

The issue here is that you have admitted in the past to intentionally baiting people into arguments about One Drop products and have said that you envision your heckling and naysaying as your way of “helping” One Drop to improve their products. And despite the folks at One Drop never having asked for your help and despite our asking you numerous times to stop it, you continue to beat the same old negative, downer, condescending drum. Dude, just please stop it.

On a more positive note, thanks Mark, David, and Shawn for all the time and thought you guys have put into this product. And thanks to all of you for your ongoing support of so many different facets of the yoyo world. :slight_smile:


Got my Markmont Classic today in gold–I mean “mustard”. :wink: It is a thing of beauty!!

Thing about the Classic is that it’s like that pair of jeans that you instantly like. From the first throw, you get a feeling of relief and enjoyment out of it. You don’t think to yourself, “I’mma rip through my repertoire now!” but rather, “yup, this fits. Time to enjoy some yoyoing.”

For reasons unknown to me, it was initially a bit slippy on binds, which is uncommon for One Drops. I feel that One Drops generally have it dialled in PERFECTLY for how I like yoyos to bind. However, a bit of play and a switch to a slightly thicker string (Kitty 1.5) and it started binding where I like. Just needed a tiny bit of break-in I think.

It plays GREAT and not too heavy with the brass Markmont SE’s. It also plays great and light (without being an out of control feather) with the aluminum SEs. I have no idea which I prefer at this point.

Definitely a home run right here. Much enjoyed.

Me too!

Thanks man :slight_smile: Appreciate your support.