One Drop YoYos Official News

I don’t think it’s up yet. Gotta figure out how to be up for this. For someone who gets up early for work, this is going to be brutal

Hthanks! Is black only available in the collectors’ edition?

Yeah, just saw that


Ahhh… a little disappointed :-\ but I still managed to snag a clear one

copped a mustard. also a matching gold center trac. imma be stuntin so hard.

Collector’s Edition Nickel :smiley:

Managed to snag a Mustard before they were all gone! Only 5 left by the time I got to 'em, :o.

I was checked out with a nickel ce and the clock still said 11:59, I went back after it completed (still 11:59) and there were 0 left. Went real fast.

Wow that is fast! I kinda wish the Collector’s Editions were marked in some way, because there’s nothing stopping someone buying a “regular” nickel and another color Collector’s Edition, and just saying they have a nickel Collector’s Edition. Since the nickel CE ones were limited to 30 total worldwide it’s the rarest of the bunch and it would be nice to preserve that rarity. Collectors gonna collect :slight_smile:

^^ One person’s opinion. :wink:


Collectors care - it IS called the “Collector’s Edition” after all. If you’re not a collector that’s fine, don’t buy the CE. For a collector, the rarity of an item is (almost) everything. If the provenance of an item can’t be proven (for example if the CE you’re buying used was really sold as black not nickel), then it’s value is diminished.

Maybe the CE box has something to distinguish the colors (which is how OD usually does their boxes). I haven’t seen a CE in person yet. If the CE box (not the smaller yo-yo box) is marked as Nickel, then you know that it was originally a Nickel CE not a black CE where someone replaced the yo-yo with Nickel.

Yes I’m overthinking this.

The CE box is marked so you’ll be able to tell the difference between the standard edition.


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The weight on the 7075 Summit is very appealing

So, the difference between a “collectors edition” and the others is the box? How does that make the yo-yo “collectible”?

To make something “collectible”, it needs to have some feature that makes it unique or rare. A cardboard box encasing this yo-yo will not make it collectible if this unique factor (the box) can easily be replicated and substituted.

“… And over here you can see the crowning jewel of my yo-yo collection: A mega-rare Markmont Classic cardboard box. I threw the yo-yo away long ago - those are a dime a dozen. But that box is just the bees knees…”

LOL :slight_smile:

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Don’t be thick. The collectible and ‘rare’ item is the booklet.

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Not to mention it’s a good read ;D

Oh, and can’t forget that Classic pin. So wearing it in my next video :smiley:

Honestly it’s the complete package that makes it collectible. Only 100 total produced, hand signed by MarkMont, yes it’s the same yo-yo but it was nice of OD to put out something different for the collectors. It’s not like the non-collectors are missing out on something because they went for the “normal” version, it’s more than the collectors are getting something more than just a bare yo-yo, something with a little bit of the history and back story of the Classic and given the rarity something that may hold it’s value in the future.

To throw Geezer a bone, I do understand that an engraving, no matter how small, would have distinguished the yoyo itself as belonging “with” the box, booklet, pin, etc. Otherwise, you could in theory buy all of the non-collector’s editions in a certain colour, all the collector’s editions, swap in different colours and then instead of 30 of each colour (or whatever it was), you could actually have all 90 the same colour and nobody could tell otherwise or prove that your swapped-in black yoyo wasn’t one of the 30 original black ones.

But…that TOTALLY misses the point. I mean, totally. The people who are interested in this package are not the ones who are shrink-wrapping it for resale and will claim, “This package contains one of the yoyos originally sold as a collector’s edition!”… it’s not about the yoyo inside the box. At all.

The people buying it are buying it for the extra materials and what the complete package represents to them. It’s not meant as an investment in anything but love for yoyo and what Markmont has brought to the game. Mark would want you to play the darned thing, which is counter to this whole “serialized shrink-wrapped collectible” attitude anyhow.

Your last sentence is spot on. This throw is a player, not a shelf queen. Having some kind of marking on the special editions would inevitably cause a good portion of them to be pampered on a shelf instead of being played regularly. The extras like the box, book, and pin are where the collectible value comes in for this throw.

I don’t dispute that numbered or marked collectors edition throws have their place… But I think it’s acceptable for these ones to be plain, because then nobody feels bad about actually playing it.