That’s what they say but the splashed 7075 they do always looks amazing.
the Ayame looks amazing as well.
Weird, I hate the similar “Electric Bacon” but I love that. ^^
Shine of the 7075 body and side effects is just so gorgeous. Even though it’s 3g+ heavier than i prefer (and expensive - $145!) i really think i might need to get one.
that looks amazing. wish i had picked up a gzr cascade on the cheap the last opportunity i had. im not sure how id like it with more weight on it but cascade is my hands down favorite OD and my favorite organic that comes to mind. it blew my mind and was largely responsible for me experimenting with lots of other yoyos that i didnt think id enjoy since i thought id hate the cascade and only picked it up bc i got a good deal on a deep space one that i thought looked incredible
The Markmont. Classic gets an official release date.
Available at YoYoExpert starting October 30th, 2014!
Through the words of Mark Montgomery:
“The Markmont. Classic is the brain baby of this oldschool(ish) player mixed with the genius of more then 4 generations of yo-yo advancement and the build expertise of David Metz and Shawn Nelson. The idea was to make a yo-yo that could sit next to the throws of past and still hold its own weight as a ‘classic’. To re-interpret the classic organic butterfly shape but meet the modern day throw play standards. Ultimately, this was a massive feat to accomplish that would eat up quite a bit more brain juice then anticipated, but in the end, the result is exactly as it was intended to be play wise and even aesthetic wise. A far departure from the original Markmont. and Markmont. Next throws, but still nodding to certain specific details like the flat outer faces of the rims and the stylized side effects to match the Markmont. Next to keep it in the family.”
Base Weight: 60.65 grams
Weight: 66.75 grams (with brass Markmont. Side Effects)
Weight: 63.50 grams (with aluminum Markmont. Side Effects)
Width: 45.06 mm
Diameter: 56.13 mm
Stock Response: Flow Groove
Gap Width: 4.32 mm
Bearing Size: Large (C) stainless steel (One Drop 10 Ball Bearing)
Finish: Bead Blast
Axle System: Side Effects™
Standard Edition: Starting at $95.00
Collector’s Edition: Starting at $110.00
Standard Edition
Collector’s Edition(Limited to 100 pieces)
Very happy to see a release date
Pretty psyched about this one. The shape and specs are right in my sweet spot, and it’s got a nice, elegant look to it. Going for a “classic” aesthetic, it would be all too easy to end up with “generic” instead, but I think you guys really nailed the look.
is there going to be a preorder or is it just going to release on the 30th?
Just a release on the 30th. I heard somewhere that YoYoExpert will be doing a midnight(11:59PM) release. So technically the 29th?
That’s awesome. I hope its true. I really wanted to get it by Saturday but I didn’t think that’d be possible because I thought it be released at like 8pm on Thursday
It’s True!
midnight in which timezone?
Only one that matters. EST.
Will there be a run of different Benchmarks? Such as a Z or a bell shape?
There will be a new 2014 Benchmark Collection coming soon. Only One Drop know what the shapes will be at this time, and they’re not spilling just yet
That was a stupid question for me to ask. Now I can’t wait. Do you know if they will share the same specs as the first three?
They do not share the same specs as the first three.
54, Code 1, Code 2.
No sale page set up for the MMC in the store yet? Am I just missing it?