One Drop YoYos Official News

Thanks man!

It is our pleasure to welcome our good friend and Eugene native Will Prater to the One Drop family!

As food connoisseur, master chef, musician, and freelance photographer, Will somehow finds time to incorporate yoyoing into his busy schedule. Making visits to the shop on a weekly basis, we consider will to be a great friend and an asset to the community.

Will is kindhearted and force to be reckon with. We’ve got to see him grow as a player over the year and we’re looking forward to seeing the impact he has on the community.

In his own words:

I would have never been able to guess just how much impact yoyos would have on my life when I was in second grade playing with my Firestorm. Fast forward almost 20 years, and that’s when I was introduced to the world of modern yoyo by my good friend Andrew Daugherty. He would always come to the hobby store I was working at and be playing with his yoyo, doing all kinds of things I never thought could be possible. After about six months of watching him and a few of my regular customers, I ended up meeting David Metz, and from that point on my life was forever changed! I finally became curious enough to ask David about his job, and he told me he made the yoyos that I saw all these people playing with. “How can I get one of those things?” I asked. One week later, David walked into my store, pulled something out of his bag, and hands it to me. It was a red and black CODE2. This is where my journey began. It’s been a little over a year since David gave me that CODE2 and there isn’t a day that goes by when there isn’t a yoyo on me. Every time I loop a string around my finger, there’s this sense of serenity that bestows on me. I believe there isn’t anything in the universe to show how grateful I am to One Drop for everything they’ve done and I’m excited for the future.

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Are you kidding me! .0002! What is the highest tolerance?

Will’s the guy thats only been throwing like 5 months right?

A little over a year

Congrats, Will! Great music choice, by the way. :wink:

Anniversary Projects for this year?

Congrats Will and OD!

We knew One Sight Line wasn’t enough.

Introducing Double Sight Lines.

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Very cool!

Want the blue one :slight_smile:

When?! Since we can only have solids on the Format:C, how about offering half and half colors?

The Shop Cam is back! Swing on by and say hello!

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I want to decorate my tree with those.

So I recently got a Clear Rally and it’s amazing. My favorite plastic ever.

I’m also planning on buying a Dang next. Tried it at ga states and it’s amazing.

Thanks man! Definitely get a Dang - sooo underrated.

Whatchoo lookin’ at Willis?

Sit on it potsie.
