One Drop Flat Bearings Are Outdated: Change My Mind

Hey, just think of all the bank you can make selling off the OD flat bearings to the players who really love them!


I actually give them away (well, cost of postage), because to me they have no value.

I have 6 OD flats sitting in a container right now, PM me $4 if you want 'em…


I keep all my OD flat bearings in tiny ziplock bags in their original yoyo boxes so that if I ever re-sell an OD throw, I can return it to factory stock condition, which always seems to be appreciated by BST buyers.


For what its worth when fidget spinner craze blew up - they decided that One Drop 10 Balls were one of ‘the best of the best’ for their fidget spinners.

One thing to note - the quality of One Drop 10 ball bearings has been one of the most consistent of any bearing we have ever sold. They rarely have issues where they stop working or we have returns on the bearing itself (and have less of a break in period in general - One Drop and Dif-E-Yo generally have had the best track record for this). So there is something to be said in terms of that and then giving people the choice of what they want to switch to.

I personally still throw with a flat bearing installed in many of their throws - and in some ways you could say it makes you a better player - I can also do spirit bomb on a fixed axle. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But both arguments are valid. Love to all. :heart:



Aw nice, any links to that? Fidget is all about ultra ultra long spin. (Because let’s be honest what else is there to really do with a fidget spinner?)


It was all over the Fidget Spinner groups on a certain social media platform that you’re allergic to. Guys were buying up OD bearings, trading them like they were gold. You could throw a fidget spinner at an attacker. There are two uses :joy:


Note - they also want bearings that are ‘smooth’. Bearings can introduce vibration into spinners or yoyos for that matter!



They still available. I want them.

No, someone jumped on those glorious flat 10 balls already, sadly!


You guys that like flat bearings, when you sell/trade yoyos do you ever ship them with a flat bearing?

I don’t dare do that because I know most wouldn’t like it and would possibly even complain.

I don’t really actively ship yoyos with the stock original bearing but as long as I ship with a center trac or KK there’s no problem but I would never ship a yoyo with a flat unless it’s a OD.

Don’t get me wrong though, I wish I could cuz that’d honestly be a great way to get rid of all of my OD 10 balls while getting to keep the centering bearings :man_shrugging: When I do ship ODs I do ship with 10 ball partially because it’s the original bearing but mainly because I want to get rid of them and I feel like I can’t ship them with any other yoyo.


I think bearing shipping etiquette is a bigger discussion to be had. Sometimes it seems people send junk bearings. Maybe on trades keeping your bearing would be better.


I’ve never known anyone to care (or express a care) what bearing was in a yo-yo I shipped in a sale or trade. I DO think it’s good practice to try to include the type of bearing which the yo-yo sold with if possible.

In general I think this thread is evidence that people reeeeeeally overthink the importance of this or that bearing. To me it might inform the style of a routine I might do, but it doesn’t disallow individual tricks. I know I get put in the box where it’s assumed I don’t like unresponsive (ok I may have helped build the box), but I do - and I don’t think for 99% of players that the specific type of bearing matters that much - certainly not more than the quality/cleanliness of said bearing.


I sell/trade whatever came in, or with, the yoyo. If I know what bearing came in a yoyo, and I know it’s not in there now I’ll mention that when selling/trading. Or if I know I put a fancy bearing in it, I’ll mention that. But when I get a yoyo I don’t look to see what is in it. I personally don’t care that much what bearing I’m using. I’ve got opinions on the little things, I’ve always been into the little details of things that I enjoy.


Well, in a way, YYE has centering bearings to thank for all the money I’ve spent in their webstore since last August. Had I not known from the start that I could swap out the flat bearings in my Top Deck and (first) VTWO, I might have been so frustrated that I just gave up on yoyoing entirely. It is largely thanks to centering bearings, and the Boss Rage in particular, that I have been able to learn tricks without excessive discouragment, and enjoy the hobby to the extent that I have.

Now you can argue all day over whether or not I should have needed centering bearings to enjoy yoyoing, but that’s entirely besides the point. Maybe a better, more disciplined learner than I would have stuck with flat bearings no matter what. But the fact remains that centering bearings have made a profound difference in my play experience (as a beginner), and that has had a direct impact on my continuing enjoyment of the hobby. And that has had a net positive effect on the bottom line of at least one yoyo company.


Couldn’t you just ask what the recipient prefers?

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Spirit bomb on a fixed axle?? I would love to see that!


Woah! Me too!


I’m sure @edhaponik could show you!


I’m never doing business with you. You have no scruples as it were at least that’s what your telling me here. Convince me different. I love Frank and I got him to sign a N.D.A. so I’ll just bend his way, you know? I don’t think you do.