One Drop bimetal discussion - merged

ah posted twice

Drinking wine? Smoking cigars?! All this money and power is corrupting One Drop. And they used to seem like such nice lads!


Da5id was out of the shop… ::slight_smile:


General Lodge - Lochness MonStar. It is not :frowning:

Hopefully he gets back soon, otherwise I shudder to think how the stats might be revealed.


And then some days, we have to trudge around in the mud when we recycle aluminum chips. And by “we” I mean Shawn. Trust me, it’s not glamorous making yoyos :slight_smile:

I’m back in the shop now by the way.

So the Downbeat.

Ho Hum.

Triple Post BUUUUT
Better cup view.

So that means that this Bi-metal is NOT the Downbeat.
So that means…

Any new bi-metal evidence guys? We know it exists, we just need more pictures

well, how about asking OneDrop about their bi-metal yoyo? Because that’s what I did. In my interview with Paul Dang. It’s from the end of January. Check out how he reacts when asked about this very discussion we have right here in the YYE forum :slight_smile:


I missed that you had done an interview with Paul! I’mma watch this as soon as TV with my better half is over. :wink:

I bugged Paul about it at cal states… he said he knew nothing of a bimetal :wink:

No, you didn’t miss anything, the video just got released. I just wanted to say that it was shot end of January, hence we didn’t talk about the DownBeat because it wasn’t announced back then.

I watched it. Great stuff!

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Great interview with P. Dang. Thanks for doing it :slight_smile:

I was finally able to watch it. Paul’s comment about wanting to do bi-metal “right” caught my attention. Reading between the lines leads me to believe that OneDrop has indeed tried a bi-metal prototype (or two) and found it was not as simple as just putting a metal ring inside a stock yo-yo.

Whatever the reason, he was very specific about a bi-metal not coming from OneDrop anytime soon. :frowning:

I think it’s safe to say that One Drop is probably working on a lot of things, and probably 99% of them we have no idea about. But when they are released they’ll be perfected like all of their other releases have been, and it’ll be worth the wait :slight_smile: