One Direction Thread!

I kinda sorta maybe might may or may not kinda like Rihanna.


I like Katy Perry and Rihanna, great pop songs from those two as well. Good taste :wink: I always pay attention to what is in the top 40, not that I buy a lot of it, but I always listen to keep up with things.

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so to paraphrase, you said “hey all you 1D haters, I bet you like skrillex”?

Yup, that’s what I got from it.

“probably” wait what?

jeez louise… this is why I can’t stand YYE and I tried to avoid it for as long as possible.

Because you like arguing?

That… didn’t make sense.

I think LizF’s point might have been that both Skrillex and One Direction both have a similar following of hatred, not necessarily that she dislikes them. It’s silly to jump to a conclusion on what she meant.

The thing is…

You just jumped to a conclusion about what she meant.

Of course not.


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Now everyone… watch this a few times and thing about what you’ve done.


Thank you, thank you very much.

I’ll be here all week.

I like Skrillex. What’s not to like about him?

I said “might…”

Eh whatever.

No, Im a 7th grader.

Yeah, so what? I truly enjoy their music. Also, listen to this song :

See ,if a musician turns outrageously popular among a small crowd ,and then grows to reach an annoying fanbase to the point where he is referenced everywhere ,according to most ,that means he is terrible.It’s not about his music at all that makes many people dislike him ,it’s his popularity that makes him despised throughout the internet and real life.
It’s funny really ,you can put any musician in his place and eventually the hate will be swift like a coursing river ,with all the force of a great typhoon ,with all the strength of a raging fire ,mysterious as the dark side of the moon!
Time is racing toward us till the Huns arrive
Heed my every order and you might survive
You’re unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home, you’re through
How could I make a man out of you?
we must be swift like a coursing river ,with all the force of a great typhoon ,with all the strength of a raging fire ,mysterious as the dark side of the moooon!

Oh ,my bad. It’s pretty hard to keep focused if there’s an argument about Skrillex within a One Direction thread…


I agree with most of what LizF said, but I agree with what Soviet Locust just said as well.

It seems to me that you’re attacking 1D haters (which I agree with), but then hating on people who like Skrillex and 009 Sound System.

1D haters do not like the fans of the band. You dislike that.
Yet you then go on to dislike fans of other popular music artists.

Maybe I misinterpreted what you said, but it seems pretty hypocritical.

Then again, maybe you’re making a statement about people that hate 1D because they’re popular while they listen to popular music artists. In which case, you have a point.

This probably didn’t make any sense. Just me, rambling…

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actually i dislike 1D because of their music, not their fan base, but whatever.