I think the idea is to find a trustworthy person that will buy the collection that he can trust to make sure the right yo-yos go to the museums and the other yo-yos go to the right people at the right price.
I think his only mistake was discussing the cost on the listing cuz that’s all anyone is focusing on.
This is super super simple.
He spends a week finding a trustworthy person.
That person flies out and gets the catalogue from
Him of what each Yoyo is.
That person does a batch camera session taking images of each Yoyo and creating a spread sheet.
A group of well known trustworthy and knowledgeable people in the community come together and do the math so the person doing the leg work breaks even and keeps a couple throws. Then those yo-yos are priced at a HUGE discount and then the only hard part is deciding which home is the right home for the ones that didn’t go to museums. Say 2 people want 1 specific one. That’s hard for anyone to decide on and a bidding war should not be the solution xuz that brings the money back into it. So maybe it’s, does person A want another available Yoyo ? We work it out as a group.
You guys HAVE to understand. There are only 2 endings to this large of an event.
This either is done correctly by the collective and STRENGTHENS the entire community cuz we handle it like adults.
Or somebody grabs them, we lose a ton of rarities that belong in museums, we get price gouged. And that person laughs while every single person in this community loses faith in the community.
I pray nobody wants to be that person over a little financial gain but that’s the reality of it.
I’m posting the process I see as the best method for attack on this to get feedback from
Others cuz I don’t see a better way to handle it. It’s too many yo-yos for any one person. Too many greedy people.
Maybe a helpful factor would be a core team of 5 guys all throw down $500 via PayPal so that it’s not 1 person having the chance to be dubious. I’m not sure the logistics I’m still trying to figure out the best process for this. I post this here openly for feedback I think this is the best way to do this so far but needs more elaboration for a proposal.
I’m an internet sales director for the largest Mazda dealer in my region. I’m great with organization and communication but no single person can do this.
Do you love yo-yos? Do you love this community?
Then stop talking about the money so we can start talking about how to take care of this situation optimally.
“Somebody’s just gonna take them and then crush heads on profit”
Stop saying that cuz Jeff won’t allow it he’s obviously got clout here and @isaac seems to highly respect him and knows this will be taken care of.
@fatguysnacks247 @twitch77 what do you guys think? Who else can we add to the roster of informed and honest people to help make this happen for the community?