Ok so I admit it...

As Captain Kirk said, “The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play.”

Us throwers are actually just creating an outlet for our extreme intelligence. Much like a pressure release valve. :wink:

I’m closer to 30 then 20 and I throw everywhere I go, while walking whatever wherever. What’s the worst that can happen… U blow some squares minds inspire some kids or make some friends.

If u throw it they will come


I’m 35 and I just started about 6 months ago!

I am 53. Used to yoyo back in the 60’s and early 70’s using a Butterfly and Imperial. My stepdaughter brought home a cheap yoyo from the Dollar store about a month or so ago so I gave it a try and remembered how much I enjoyed it. I could still do walk the dog, rock the baby, around the world after all these years (give me a break, that’s what we did back then!).

I now have 9 yoyo’s and two more on the way. I’m starting to get into unresponsive stuff. Been watching the vids and all I can say is wow. The yoyo world has changed. Glad I found this place so I can learn from all of you.

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Still got a bundle of what I assume is cotton from 98-99 lol

I’m 28. You would definitely have to pay me a relatively large sum of money to take a yoyo out in public and throw it but I’ve certainly carried a yoyo on my person many times and the majority of my friends know I play with yoyos and own many.

im 32 and im new in yoyoing. i see one people play yoyo, i suggest me myy, three month later i buy yyf and i love play yoyo

Il-y ont beaucoup des yoyoers a Montreal, yoyonono. They meet quite often! Most are a BIT younger, but still cool guys to hang out with. Are you close to Montreal?

I’ve been 29 for a number of years now and I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of it. But I plan to be 29 for a few more until I really master it!

I used to do that, sort of. I was 21 for 5 years starting when I was 17. Finally mastered it ;D.

38, throwing for about 2 yrs. You are not alone! :slight_smile:

40 & proud !!!

I’m 21 and been throwing for 6 yrs. :smiley:

Zowey! I guess this year for Christmas I’ll be sending out walking canes instead of candy canes to all you old folks! ;D Secret Santa with a mission!

Haha, invasion of the oldsters! I’m only 26, but for this forums purposes I’d guess I would have to admit I’m old. I’m married too so that adds a couple years.
I’m just finishing up college and just started my first endeavor of public throwing…the funniest thing are the creepers…you catch them peekin while your throwing all the time…they wanna watch sooooo bad, but they just won’t.


I know those ones. :slight_smile: BUT, there are also those who will gladly watch and then either talk to you or give you an “applaud from a distance”.

Throwing in public is good fun. Oddly, I could easily throw (and have done) in a stadium full of thousands of people, any number of whom could be watching at any time. But I’d probably be nervous going on stage in front of 20 really focused people.

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Haha that was a good one :smiley:

Im 19 and been throwing for about a year and a half

Makes sense, their watching your every move and judging it.

And when I miss a trick I can bark at them, “STOP JUDGING ME!” and rage quit.

33 here… Been throwing since 1988. Unresponsive started this year.

I yoyo in my office… I run a marketing dept, so I hope my team is comfortable with a boss that throws.