Ok so I admit it...

accidentally double posted.

I’m 24 and will have been throwing a year next month. I’m still not too keen on playing with my yoyo in public. Wish I could get over it because I have long breaks in between classes this semester and I don’t live on campus. I have to drive 45 minutes to get to school and it would be nice to be able to whip out one of my yoyos and practice while I’m waiting on my next class to start. I’m too shy about it though. It would be nice if I saw someone else yo-yoing at the University of Kentucky though. I think I would be more inclined to throw in public then.

38, I just passed my 1 yr throwversary last month. Don’t throw in public, if I did my wife would be mortified. But, I always have one with me.

Not likely! That was hard stuff. Probably be more in the “1 to 2 minutes of edited video” range. Still time to figure that out. :wink:


Its just weird to know some of you have yoyoing longer than I’ve lived! I was born in 2000 im 13, turning 14 in June (8th).

Sheesh…If you think that’s odd, you’ll love to know that many of us have yoyos older than you. Hmmm…and maybe some string too. ::slight_smile:

Yeah, I have a few cotton strings from the 90’s, and I’m only 20. I wonder what you old farts have lying under the bed :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t be shy, be the one throwing that draws the others out of the woodwork!
I’m 39 and a college professor and I carry a yoyo on my belt at all times. I throw in the hall outside my office, in the classroom, and all over campus all the time. In fact I started throwing in September after seeing a student playing out my office window. I bought yoyo the next day and never looked back.
I have several friends, colleagues and former students at UK, but unfortunately none of them throw that I know of.

I’ll be 31 in April, and I’ve been yoyoing off and on my entire life, though large gaps before this recent foray. Anyone who thinks that these types of hobbies aren’t for adults forgets that play is essential not just to children, but to healthy brain activity and neurological development throughout life/developmental stages. And hey, it means you’ll have hobbies that you can directly share with kids, rather than shoe-horning your interests into their lives or feeling like you can’t connect with kid’s activities.

I actually wrote a paper in college on the importance of play for adults.

I’m 26 been throwing for almost a year and just getting started.

Ok, old fart checking in. 51!! Started in 1969 still have my imperial and butterfly from then. On and off for most of those years. Then in the 90s I got back into it with all the cool stuff. Then in 2009 discovered unresponsive play and CLYW and One Drop and what was out there blew my mind. Probably accumulated about 300 throws of all kinds since then.
One thing to add, the people that I have met through this hobby are some of the best folks in the world!!! Great community!!!

As stated before, I’m 32. Finally being an adult with a real career and income has helped my collection grow immensely!

I’m 40 yrs. old. I’ve been making yo-yo apart of my life since I was 14.
It has been an off and on thing for me. in 2003 is when I got into it hard. I have competed at state, regionals and the National yo-yo contest. I have met a lot of great people. I for one will always have a great love for yo-yoing, whether it be competing or helping with contests. Yo-yoing has been very good to me.

40 years and love to throw even more than my kids. I throw at home, at work, the airport, wherever… I’m too old to care what anyone else thinks about it but not too old to Yo-Yo.

28 and have been throwing for 3 1/2 years.

Exactly. That’s me right there. :wink:

I’m 27 and just started unresponsive play 3 months ago. I am glad that I am not alone in being older and into this hobby.

I of course yoyo’d a lot with fixed axles when I was younger but never moved into string tricks.

With modern yoyo technology it is very easy to pick up these new tricks. I am having fun with it.

The real challenge is trying to convince the wife why I need more yoyo’s that cost $100.00 or more…

That is correct good sir! tears roll down cheeks I’m glad others understand. ;D