Offstringers unite!!!!!!!!!

I’d like to ask everyone what they think is the best offstring yoyo and what they think of the whole 4a division.

I just got a offstring yoyo today! After 20 missed throws I finally landed it on the string! This is so fun ;D

Oh which one did you get

Offstring is a style that deserves a lot of respect. There are so many variables that one has to consider and there are no shortcuts in tricks. Even the slightest miscalculation can send your yo-yo rolling off and the tricks involve so much risk. I love trying it and I use a Duncan Throw Monkey.

Any 4A is good. I have a BigYo though. It’s very durable.

I heard that the new YYJ Equinox is bouncy like the aquarius any news on that

I LOVE 4a!! So much fun! Currently my favorite yoyo is my FHZ, though the Big Ben is awesome, too ;D

Go with the Fiesta you cant go wrong. My favorite offstring yoyo. I havent been able to break this thing even when it goes way up in the air and I miss it and it hits concrete… Cheap too!

Yah I’ve got a fiesta signed by Bryan Figuroa himself it’s so beat up but it works like a charm

Fiesta is too heavy, hyabusa, I just don’t like it the binds are too slippy. The equinox is awesome, I play with it on concrete and drop it all the time it usually bounces high enough to recatch it! I love the equinox! I’ve got an Aquarius in the mail but everyone says it’s the best, so we’ll see in a few days but I don’t see how it can beat the equinox.

Where’d you get the Aquarius I’ve looked everywhere for one but nothing

Griffin Wing, Hayabusa SL, Fiesta, and I have a Panda in the mail…I LOVE 4A!!! :smiley:

Bigyo thrower here.

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I just got the hayabusa, traded a KK bearing for it plus some strings. I was doing offstring for about 3 tosses with my Dark magic, but on the third toss it rolled off the carpet onto the tile. Not good for my DM so I stopped that till I got something with more bounce ::slight_smile:

I am getting into 4A a lot more nowadays. I have a Hayabusa SL coming to me sometime this week, but right now I’m throwing a Big Ben. :slight_smile:

Getting an eqinox november 20. I have a fiesta awesome yoyo.

yeh after trying just about everything on the market (haybusa, pocket change/fast rims, big yo2, griffin wing, FAST, fiesta, flying panda, etc) i would have to say that the Fiesta is the best. the celcon delrin/plastic it is made of works great for grinds and bounce catches and the gap is adjustable so you can crank it down and do whip binds and the like. Fiesta FTW

Just got my Equinox today! I have a Fiesta, Bigyo, Aquarius, and now and Equinox and it is definately the best of my offstrings!