Some help picking an offstring yoyo.

Im not very good at 4A, I can do most of the tricks on YYE here but thats about it. I’ve been using a YYF Offstring and pocketchange and not too happy with it. The thing I really dont like about it is I feel its a tad too unresponsive. Its very hard to do stuff like regens from an open string bind, because you have to use so much string to bind it that it knots up.

What Im looking for is somthing with the flared wing shape (Not to keen on the look of the Hyabusa) and a larger diameter. I’d like it to bind well and have a reliable response, when its time to change pads in my Offstring/Pocketchange play gets bad…

And another thing Im looking for is durability because Im terrible at 4A and will be dropping it alot.

Any thoughts?

Just go with a Hayabusa SL!

hayubusa SL i think too…i would go with the fiesta but i think its a little unresponsive for me…that might just be mine though…the hayubusa has a really good response system and i can bind well and still do good with it…

You might like the YoYoJam Fiesta or the YoYoJam Equinox. Both are great off string yoyos. If your looking for a “high performance” 4A yoyo, You’ll love the Equinox. Otherwise, just get the Fiesta. :wink:

He wants a more responsive throw, I have both and they are for more advanced players who are used to unresponsive os play.

I agree but I learned to improve a LOT on a Fiesta I have a YYF offstring and learned a little than used Bryan’s Fiesta and became able to do much better OS (I am still a newb)

my fiesta is really responsive

Yeah, but thats not what he was asking for. I wouldn’t really recommend the Fiesta after playing the Equinox and Aquarius. I like the Pocket Change with OS rims better than the Fieesta IMO.

Kamui Offstring if you want to get the best ones. Costs a bomb though…


BigYo2 Anybody?

It’s true! (Well them Japanese players use it to win a lot of stuff.)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, hands down the Shin Woo Griffin Wing is the most bang for your buck. The best $15 I’ve ever spent on a 4A throw, and it can take a beating!!!

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I know but I don’t think he wants to spend $115?

I dont. Im thinking Fiesta, Griffon wing, and Hayabusa. Im leaning more twards the Griffin wing because of the shape and customizable response

Out of those I wouldn’t recommend the fiesta

camron its your opinoin i would go with the fiesta of course k

OR. Everybody can wait for the Falcon from RecRev.

Aside from that, Griffin Wing 2s are legit. And, they are inexpensive enough to get a pair.