Offstring "boingy boing" help

I’ve gone through every single one of Ben Condes offstring tutorials, and I’ve done them all! Except for one trick… The boingy boing/volcano and any tricks including that technique. I simply don’t understand it. Can anyone explain their way of doing it or how they learned it? I thought it was a beginner trick haha

Well, I’m not very good at it myself yet, but if you can do boiny boing on a regular yo-yo it’s the same idea except your yoyo isn’t connected to anything. It’s all timing, but on off string the timing is MUCH faster.

I’ve really never tried a regular yoyo haha and do you just pull your one hand towards you repeatedly and that’s all? Or is their more to it?

It’s very similar to the motion of a regular, on-string boing-e-boing. The difference with offstring is that gravity is working against you as you’re pulling it up, and with you as you’re pulling it down (at least for the vertical one). You have to apply more force when pulling it up.

You could practice the motion on an on-string yo-yo first; it’s a must-learn trick anyways. There’s a special feel and rhythm to it. Tip: don’t move your NTH. Good luck.

You’ve done all of Ben Conde’s tutorials? You should be teaching me! :wink:

move your hands apart and together very quickly while in the boingy mount. this will help you develop a “feel” for it.

Thanks for the reply! Unfortunatly i never really learned on-string beside a simple sleeper and around the world. For the last few ours I’ve been trying to get rhythm, but so far no success :frowning: guess I’ll keep going till I get it haha. Yeah I’ve completed all the tutorials except the ones with the boingy boingy I just can’t get it, some kind of mental block. Completing tutorials doesn’t mean your good though it’s the consistency which I’m still working on haha

That’s right, the key is mastering them! I think it’s really cool when someone starts yo-yoing with a non-traditional style like 4A. Tons of people have mental blocks with rhythm tricks like boingy boing and boomerang (myself included), but once you have it, it’s extremely satisfying and a crowd-pleaser.

That’s right, the key is mastering them! I think it’s really cool when someone starts yo-yoing with a non-traditional style like 4A. Tons of people have mental blocks with rhythm tricks like boingy boing and boomerang (myself included), but once you have it, it’s extremely satisfying and a crowd-pleaser.
Thanks! Yeah I just couldn’t get into traditional yoyoing for some reason. Just the offstring mount itself toke me a good 4 days to get with no throwing experience in the beginning! But once I got that everything came quick. I also finally got the boingy boing :smiley: I still don’t really get what you mean by rhythm but I got it down haha