Official Pay It Forward Thread For Yoyo Expert Members?

Means alot to me. I truly appreciate you from the bottom of my heart

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not enough community. i love yoyoing more than anything and i probably wouldnt be alive without it, i want it to be accessible to more people, through voluntary community funded events and projects.

Again… I started this to make sure others in need had help. Read the first post of this topic. If you know someone in this community that needs a yoyo… Let me know and I got them

but you cant help every yoyoer by yourself. that is not community that is your charity which is good but limited to people on this forum. it has to be a group effort to have a larger effect.

Yeah well this forum reaches pretty faaaar

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no it doesnt, its mostly limited to english speakers

What do you mean by my myself? This thread is to get the COMMUNITY to help others. I’m just the guy trying to get it started…not do it alone :blush:


Ok well it’s a shame to see so much negativity on a thread that’s trying to promote being kind and doing good things for other people… People that are struggling or just can’t afford a decent throw that just love to throw. Hopefully one day you will see the good that pretty much all of us see in this community…


I just thought my message was clear :confused:

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its not negative its the truth. I want it to be more postive but you cant ignore problems.
I love yoyoing and i want people to feel that too.

So why not post that in a NEGATIVE thread? And keep this one positive?

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i want a better community, a tighter one. im not saying its horrible but that it can improve.

Wellll… Im trying :heart:


none of what i said is negative. it may have come off as that but i just want people in the yoyo community to read this and think of ways we can improve the community.

So help improve it by being positive… Don’t get on a “pay it forward” thread and be so negative. Change the negativity into passion to better this community so it might actually make a difference


And I say negativity because it is how it came off but to me. It’s hard to tell emotion through text sometimes but we are just trying to do good here and don’t want it to get turned into something else

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thats the plan is to help people.

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@Sergio @Theycallmecotton There is an effort by @jeduardo from Zero Gravity to help people in countries where it’s harder to get yoyos. I think it would make sense to combine these efforts with the plan that @AndreBoulay talked about in his interview with @DocPop about starting a program to help yoyo clubs form. Maybe we could pool resources to get yoyo clubs going where they might be wanted but resources aren’t available yet.


Thats the point of pay it forward. You are doing so.ethu g nice for someone you don’t know, which in turn starts a chain reaction of good karma and passing it on to someone else you don’t know. Creating more positivity and good actions (instead of hate and toxic actions)