PM inbound, I love supporting small companies

Finally! Been waiting too long for these bad boys. If I had the funds I would buy!

As good as this thing looks in blackā€¦and it does look good, like stealth bomber goodā€¦that purple was too nice to pass up. Reminds me of Lewis Hamiltonā€™s Pagani

Ok, itā€™s not often that I stop in to give quick, out of the box reviews, but I think this one warrants it. You guys have done a bang up job with this one. This thing is major fun, if plays light, changes direction with ease, grinds well, and just zips around. I would say that I have not thrown another yoyo that feels like this one. I highly recommend picking this one up. And Iā€™ve gotta say that the purple looks great in person too.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words! This thing is a manifestation of Sean and my own creativity. We are so proud to have left a mark in the community!

Agh Iā€™m still scraping up some more money to buy one

Alright, I finally bolstered my collection of dream throws to where a detour wouldnā€™t throw my collecting offā€¦

So a Lunar Winds has been ordered in Purple tonight ;D Iā€™ve been dying for another H shape and I seemed to remember saying Iā€™d buy one.

Thank you so much for taking interest! it sincerely warms my heart that people actually want to buy this project! Its been so successful and im so proud of us :slight_smile:

Whoaā€¦ Itā€™s been a whileā€¦ :o


Iā€™m so happy for you guys!

I got to try one at a local meet and I gotta say that thing played so nice. Really outdone yourself with the design Ume!