Jekyll&Hyde:SPINS Almost production time! PLEASE READ Og Post

Okay Guys!

So, It’s Hopefully official that we can get the LunarWinds produced soon!
Now, we don’t have much money to work with. So, we can only Produce about 20-25 for the public.
Okay!, So now we really wanna get these out to you guys! If you would like to preorder PLEASE PLEASE do so! It would help use tremendously!

We plan on using Buddha bearings and pads, and Foxland once again.
What do you guys think?

Last thing, If You chose to Preorder with $80, It would be like prepaying for a Lunarwind :slight_smile:

And If you Preorder with $100, you will get this Yoyo Display
Along With a Lunarwind and  a pack of BYYS!

If you want any other info, PM me, message our Facebook page

Messaging the FB page is the fastest way to contact me.

-Wilson AKA Mr.Hyde

Here are some CAD pics of the revised version vs. the original.

Older version is on the left, new version on the right.

Anddd the Prototype pics


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Full blast and anno! I LOVE TO GRIND!

And you made the right choice for bearings and pads :smiley: I’ll see what I can do at the immediate moment with a donation…

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For me, and me alone, I’m a raw man. You’ll have more interest in ano’d one’s I think but cost etc can be a determining factor when on a budget.

You have no shortage of options though my friend. Couple raw, couple ano’d, couple full blast with ano, blast with clear seal and so forth. I think that gives the consumer a much better chance at getting something they may prefer and may even cause a little extra anticipation upon release.

Just a thought.

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I agreed Bob.
But we’re having just some issues.
The Main thing about anno, is the expense.
Are people willing to pay more for em?

And that’s if we can afford the anno, I put the poll up for future reference, mainly

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I hear bro!
Seems like nothings affordable anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Since more people Like anno this far.
I think We’re gonna make the first run raw, with a cup blast.

And use the money from that to make a larger Second run with Blast and Anno

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Who would be doing the ano?

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No idea yet! We haven’t found an anodizer yet,
Any suggestions for a really affordable mass anodizer?

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I would do blasted catch zone, and raw cup.

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I find that odd! The finish of the raw yoyo, out of FP have have a vinyl finish.
It was requested to me many times to make it usable for finger spins.
Generally most grinds I see nowadays involve the cup! Or is it just me?

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I would do blast and ano if I was you.


As I said before, it’s a money issue.

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If I was you I would then just keep saving up till you can afford it. Making yoyos are very expensive and best to just save until you guys can afford to do those with ano and blast. In order to get to a 2nd run you gotta sell the first and the best option for selling off the 1st run is to do ano and blast. That’s just what sells.

I would recommend contacting gruntbull or even toxic about anodizing for you. Not sure how much aman charges but you could try him as well.

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Will do so :slight_smile:

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Gruntbull isn’t actually that bad, so long as your not getting to fancy. They told me it was either $3-7 or $4-7 per half (includes blasting) depending on what you get. Shooting an email to OD might be a good idea to see who they use for there solids.

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Doesn’t Toxic annodize for OD?

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They might I’m not quite sure. I’m pretty sure they do splashes and acid washes ect with Gruntbull and then someone locally for solids, might be Toxic but I dont know.

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Read the original post guys!

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Those cad drawings look pretty nice!

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Time for a little bump :slight_smile:

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