Custom Ano

Dose anybdy know where I can get some custom anodizing done and how much it would cost me?

contact jasonwongzero, he does custom anno. not sure if he’s taking any order right now though.
I think it’s around $40? I could be completely off on the price

I don’t think he’s taking custom orders at this time.

To my understanding, he does not do custom anos any more. He has been making some pretty cool cigar box yoyo cases though!

I’ve heard the name Gruntbull every time this kind of topic is brought up. Not too many that do custom ano these days I’ve found… Good luck!

I’ll contact you if I find anything else helpful. :slight_smile:

Gruntbull is expensive for small orders, but is good for big ones.

Aman Sircus, Owner of Rebel Yo does custom anodizing. Contact him on Facebook

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spottedbananna does custom ano’s for people… I’ve sent her pm’s though and never gotten a reply back so i dont know whats up

Spottedbanana charges $75

Ya I saw grunt bull but for 1 yoyo it would be expensive

I’ve written to Aman Sircus. Never heard back from him.



do it yourself!

that’s what i’ll be doing sometime soon ;D

Gruntbull isn’t expensive for small orders I thunk there page just confuses people. I contacted them and for a yoyo to be done in a two toned acid wash with a 3 color splash it would be 35 or 45 bucks. Can’t remember. That compared to Jason or spotted bananas prices is very cheap. Only draw back is the turn around takes a while. However there the ones who do clyw ano and one drops along with a hand full of other companies.

To be totally honest and as nice as possible I was not happy with spotted bananas work and her business ethics. Lost my skywalker due to poor packing (padded envelope) did two anos of the same colorway and the colors dont match up at all and anybody could see that what she mailed it back anyways. I specifically wanted a lime green splash and if anybody has seen my custom skywalker you can tell its a yellow splash but I never even heard back from here after explaining my frustration with the ano.

I say go with grunt bull. Might take longer but they are good at what they do.

dang. that’s bad. glad I didn’t cough up $75 for her ._.

Ya I kinda regret getting my stuff anodized cause I ended up losing half of my skywalker. Had another skywalker anodized in the same colorway but with one half the opposite colorway so I could use the remaining half but one brown half is a lot lighter then the other and same with the pink splash. She also left the response area black on one of the haves and there was black stuff stuck inside the bearing seat im all those haves and axle holes

Then the d bearing skywalker which was suppose to be a seahawks colorway turned out yellow instead of green and when I said that she said it was just the lighting im the picture but when I got it its clearly yellow. I really dont think it was worth the 75 I paid for it and if it doesn’t turn out to be the color the customer wanted then they should redo it. Check out the bst of mine and you can tell its yellow and in that light its the closest to green it gets but in normal light it looks very yellow. I nicely wrote a message to her months ago and never heard back anything. That was at least 3 months ago. Really sucked cause I wanted that seahawks colorway so bad and now I dont even play that yoyo anymore.

Whats the best kind of finish for yoyos and grinding. Dust/polish or both

I too was going to ask Banana to ano my yo-yo’s. Good thing I didn’t. If it interests you, get a powder coat job by mullicabob. That’s a great guy and his work looks good.

Polished yoyos dont really grind well at all. The best surface is a blasted surface. I really REALLY LIKE Ilyy candy blast. It grinds so good and gives the colors such a deep and rich look. IMO that’s the best surface I wish other yoyo makers would use a similar process.

Ya I have been talking with him and he seems like a stand up guy and his prices are very reasonable. Spotted Banana just gave me the impression like I wasn’t worth her time. When I asked about replacing the lost yoyo she said pretty much “its not my fault the yoyo got lost and I am being more then fair offering a replacement ano which is taking away from my time that I could be using to make more money” (I got the message somewhere in my mailbox and it sounds exactly like that) I just feel like if you take someones stuff to do something to its on you to make sure that it gets back to the person safely. I eventually just dropped it cause i at least wanted something out of that nightmare instead of paying someone 75 bucks then never even getting my yoyo back. Which it was a mint first run skywalker that can’t even be replaced. It was a bad experience and I dumped 140 into it in total and lost a yoyo.