OD Valor

Geeze! Stay tuned for our bi-metal. We’re working on it right now, should be out in about two years. Hopefully not too late…


Loyalty, pure loyalty.

Definitely more coming to YYE. They are currently sold out but we are in the process of making the next run.

Well, due to this thread, and all the insults, I feel that I must at least try and get one…

Sadly my 15 year old income stream is not that big, but I will try!

So knowledge. Wow. Such onedrop. Much respect.

This thread previously got derailed with arguments back and forth.

We are not here to say anyone was right or wrong. But I think we need to have respect for each other and the fact that OneDrop is here answering questions.

If your post was deleted - please don’t take it personally. I chose a point in the thread where I felt it was no longer informational.

If you want to argue over the price with OneDrop send them an email directly.
That is not what this forum or thread is for.


  • André

This is a more encouraging time-estimate than when we last spoke about this :-0

I can only hope that there is a hint of truth in your sarcasm.

You guys are already technically the kings of bi-metals. Every 6061 Side Effect enabled yo-yo has that sweet sweet 7075 Side Effect center… heck you could technically call them tri-metals with the steel axle.

No one ever said there had to be a specific ratio in order to be considered a bi or tri metal yo-yo. :wink:

I know that a splash has been ruled out until you can find an anodizer that is well versed in splash work on 7075. Have you thought about maybe a small special edition run of valors using a technique similar to the Format:C? Instead of the site line being on the rim do a cut on the flat surface of the rim face where the laser etch goes. It would give it an almost white wall tire look, only mirrored instead of white.

Sarcasm? It’s all truth.

Proof of concept.

Paul Dang, master of the tease.

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Dammit Paul.

I think I was implying just what you posted (I hope it was OK!). Is that a bi-metal, or a really big SE? …tease.

The sarcasm was (hopefully) the two-year time frame until its release.

If you make a Bi-Metal; I will be among the first in line.

And advertisement for their lube.

Is it just me, or does that look like a Rally?

That yoyo’s nice, but why the blurry V4M bottle in the background? Working on the next generation lube as well??? :smiley:


P.S. Yeah, I know, depth of field and all…but a guy can hope. It’s not like I don’t have enough to do already!

Dang, your right, is does look a lot like a rally. Almost identical in fact…

look at the material for the blue. It’s nothing like the plastic for the rally.