OD Code 2 or OD Cascade?

code 2 or cascade?

cascade bc of the float and the width

I heard good things about the Code 2, but I think I’d prefer the Cascade because it’s wider. I like my wide throws :p.

Based on your preferences, I say Code 2 since I thought it was more stable and played faster than the Cascade. But I personally liked the Cascade more because it was more… fun, I guess. Another yoyo to consider is the Code 1, which I also like more than the Code 2.

If any of you were me, and you didnt have either, would you get the cascade or code 2?

Please stay on topic. Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

It really depends on what you wanna use the yoyo for. I would Code 2 for more competitive stuff and Cascade for overall awesomeness. Code 2 is really good for competitive play and fits the hand well. The only flaw of the Cascade is the thin rims, making the weight and tilt funky

I dont compete. ever. so for a non-competitor, you would recommend the Cascade?

Do you like normal butterfly shape or wider dimensions??

i have tried the code 2 and it is AMAZING!!!

Code 2