No more slots :) must ship by 5/17/13!!!

Maybe, Maybe Not…???

But hopefully the person will enjoy their package.

Sorry for the double post.

Should we post what we get? I think I’m going to. Just because.

I will!

Who needs to ship:

Ben M36

I shipped half a chief.
If we do another gift exchange maybe I get a chance to ship the other half.


Who needs to ship:

Me (will ship as soon as possible)
Link (i have been pming him, not sure when will ship)
Y0Y0SR2PR0 (will ship as soon as possible)
Xxjohnsonxx (will ship as soon as possible)

I chose not to get involved in this exchange, and this is your rodeo so to say, but putting people on blast daily when they still have 6 DAYS until your imposed deadline seems a bit…excessive.

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I dont need them to ship yet, but i want to know that they didnt forget about this

So that’s what I’m getting…Yay…but it’s not playable… :frowning:

It’s playable. No worries. You can tie the string to the axel and then at the end you tie a counter weight ball. And now you have a cup n ball toy.

Yay! A new and improved kendama!

Dang it man, I’ve always wanted the chiefdama :frowning:

Accidental thank u

Got my Package! I received a Counter Attack, a Pack of Toxic Dragons, and a YYF holder! Thanks a lot Tuxedodave!

Who’s shipping to me? :frowning:

Has everyone shipped?

I’m shipping some more stuff to you today. Sorry but I doubt it will get there tomorrow. Been a very busy week. They’re putting new gas lines in my neighborhood and I can’t even park in front of my own home! Imagine bringing in groceries blocks away. Sucks! And I sleep during the day because I work zombie shift and all this drilling, digging, and construction men whistling at little school girls walking by is not helping me at all.