Please, If you know what I am talking about, Don’t comment, don’t watch it, don’t pay attention to him, it’s been a year. Let this blow over
I want to pay 1200 dollars for an mgss yoyo /s
Uh i have no idea what you guys talking about but a year ago today i got a new dog
I’m guessing I know who and it’s easier to just continue to ignore them
hopefully this doesnt have to do with me
I KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOIN BRO for those who dont know, u dont want to
So he figured it out.
I didnt figure out!
Please, someone enlighten me here
EDIT: Nevermind
Streisand effect
i don’t understand what you guys are talking about, but i think Mariah Carey is defrosting and i don’t think we could ignore it, and …oh no… it’s starting… PLEASE NO
Santa Claus
You better not pout, you better not cry…
You better watch out, I’m telling you why
I am sofa king lost lol. Someone dm me what I’m missing here.
Could someone PM me what y’all talking about so I can be sure to avoid it?
The mind is in capable of not thinking about what you tell the mind to not to think about?
Do not think of an elephant. There you are thinking about an elephant.
I did think about what it could be for a few seconds then thought this is a bait… that I am not familiar….
so I am going to swim away.
Honestly, I am also confused lol.