Nimble Yoyos

What are the most nimble throws you’ve ever played? By that, I mean ones that feel as if they change direction effortlessly and with little weight/resistance.

I’m looking for even better, but my top most agile throws would be:

  • Duncan Metal Drifter
  • OD Reboot
  • YYF R4
  • Shooting Star
  • Hendiatris & Hummingbird (lower on the list only due to significant rim-weight)

I’ll add some further criteria if you want to help me out more specifically as well, but I’m surprised a general “most nimble” thread didn’t exist. I prefer yoyos without any sharp rims, and in this case ones that don’t feel too heavy/dense (though I do appreciate dense throws at times).

I’m considering hunting for a Parlay way down the road: do y’all think this would fit? I worry a bit about the width being narrower - not for the catchability, but more that it will make it feel dense despite being a light yoyo overall.

This thread touches on what I’m interested in a bit, but is more focused on floatiness: Currently available sweet, floaty yoyos?

It is a shame that is probably hard to find but you would have like the Smashing yoyos - Float, not only a great player but insanely nimble


if you like ondrops offerings and are worried the parlay is too narrow
the rebirth is very good

i would therefore assume that the newer lighter version: the reboot will be a bit faster feeling too

it is comfortable and quite easy for getting all your chopsticks combos
(my most nimble yoyo however is a boundless yoyo design NIF, which is a bi metal that it is hard to come by as it is a very small brand)

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This is my favorite kind of yo-yo.

AL7 Arbiter X
Elite 23
Banshee 22


There is a nice purple float on one of the FB BSTs atm funnily enough. I’d agree it’s a great nimble yo-yo that’s very light (that yo-yo is just great in general tbh).

I think maneuverablility is often used to discuss yo-yos which I’d think is similar to nimbleness. Though one thing I’d perhaps ascribe to “manoeuvrability” is I think not being overly wide in order to navigate tech better, which maybe doesn’t so much apply to “nimbleness” (of the yo-yos below, I think the GTR and Kenshin’s fall into this).

Some nimble yo-yos I’ve tried (no order):

  • YYR Inevitable: does have sharp rims though, speed demon that feels solid but definitely not dense and easily changes direction
  • Duncan GTR-JS: light feeling wide yo-yo with nice rounded edges. Bit slower than the inevitable but still very nimble.
  • Klondike: bit denser and boxy, and rims are a bit sharp but changes directions well and very easy to control/change direction and navigate tricks.
  • Toru 0.999: similar to the Klondike but more well rounded play wise, rims aren’t sharp.
  • Ti-Vayder/Walker: expensive but I think nimbleness describes this yo-yo very well.
  • Kenshin: fast, light v-shape performance mono that’s good for changing direction. Not much more to say.
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Reboot is the zippiest Ive got. Kamuraiju and Parlay too.

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Tachyon is faster than the speed of light fast and super stable still.


Motion Elevated FTW!


Yoyofriends pheasent is the first Yoyo that comes to mind for me. Such a light nimble Yoyo with still a punch of hidden power.
Unprld nation, SF motive, motion elevated, unprld seiji are a few others to mention.

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I do have a Reboot, and it is very close to what I’m looking for. Honestly, I may just keep it, because it’s excellent.

Can you give any comparisons between the Reboot and Parlay (and/or Kamuraiju) @Upmanyu?

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The yoyofriends Tachyon, I helped designed that yoyo with sole purpose of maxing out acceleration and top speed.


That one has been really tempting, especially with all the awesome colorways. The rims look less sharp than the Hummingbird, too (which isn’t terrible as as long as you catch it right. Comfort is a thing I’m picky about in a yoyo, though). I generally like more to hold on to than just rims, but that thing looks like it could certainly push the extremes of light and agile.

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Re: Parlay, I find the edge on the outside of the rim to be relatively sharp. Between that and the width, I think it has a little bit of a bite on the return. It’s not an issue for me, but I don’t mind yo-yos with sharp angles in general.

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Both kamuraiju and parlay play with more heft but in a zippy momentum sort of way. Hard to compare but generally the kamuriaju would be more performant fue to its shape.

If you want a fast bimetal the Hydrogen or the digamma crash are great options. Those two are speedy as hell.

I didnt like the klondike or the w1ld as much for speed since they just naturally play at a sluggish pace for me.


Thanks for the heads up! You might have just saved me a lot of hunting and cash.

It’s interesting to see all the thoughts thus far.

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Parlay may still work for you. I think it is definitely maneuverable.

Worth a try before buying through.


The YYF Tankette is insanely nimble at 56 grams. :smiley:


I feel like Ive tried many sub 60 yoyos and they often feel a bit anemic on the throw. The best I tried was the OP Sprite
Maybe I need to out the tankette on the to-buy list.


Try a brass AL7 Arbiter X or an Elite 23.


Its on the list😅!!