I have been considering getting a new yoyo now that it is Christmas and it is a great excuse to get myself one!
I exclusively have been using my protostar, and I am focusing purely on string play for now. I love the protostar and all, I but I would love to have another yoyo to throw every now and then.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what would be a great step up? I I really don’t have much of a problem with cost. The I was considering getting a c3 capless . Anyone have any comments?
Trust me, transitioning from plastics to metals isnt weird or hard at all. I loved my dv888 SO MUCH when I got it. I was finally able to do finger grinds with a decent surfaced yoyo, and it’s so much better in every way.
Anyways, no worries. I loved the transition, and it’s not like you have to stop buying plastics.
It is a verry nice yoyo, but its not the best C3. I would get a yeah3. If you are worried about never wanting another yoyo, because you have a capless, you don’t have to worry.
and he is right, you can’t go wrong with anything C3
The Capless would be great. However, Mr.Yoyoguy mentioned how it’s easier to do finger grinds on a metal yoyo, but I think that the Capless doesn’t have the necessary blast finish for that. In my opinion you won’t be missing much, if anything at all. I think everyone on here would agree that the Capless would be fantastic.
I am looking into ordering it right now (Capless), and it appears as though it does not have a ‘center-trac’ bearing. I am rather used to a center-trac due to my protostar… Will it be odd using a normal bearing now?
I was considering ordering a center-track from yoyoexpert (where I am ordering my capless) so would this be a bad idea? or is it wiser to stick with it stock?
Also, I need some string. I saw that they sell kitty string hear. Is that good at all? I seem to be a fan of type 6 100% poly orange string. So I was thinking about getting either Slim or Normal kitty string. which is better? Is Kitty string a bad choice? Especially for the Capless?
The capless is a great choice.it is smooth and has a comfortable shape. It doesn’t have the best finish for grinds, but we can get past that.
Goons down in price you have the Di base by c3yo. It has a v shape and plays well. Price to performance wise it is just like the capless. That means it plays up there with hundred dollar throws so you can’t go wrong.
Going down even more is the echo by Duncan. It has a finish that is more suitable for grinding. It’s pretty smooth and has a good feel in hand.
But in the end it’s all preference. What do you like?