Ah men!
Quality over price
Ah men!
Quality over price
it seems to me that a plastic bearing would be inefficient
Completely off-topic, but I have to say…
Nice sig, man.
Only, it wouldn’t be Zelda anymore. It would be StarTropics. ;D
Well, I thank its a good yoyo for YYF to make for beginners I guess. I made this thread to just say"Hey that is the cheapest YoYoFactory I’ve ever seen!" But I didn’t thank people would dis it. I thank it’s a great yoyo for learning loops. So who likes the new Fire Dog? Say AI or nay. Later.
Keep it spinning™
If you post on a yo-yo messageboard, the Firedog isn’t designed for you.
I have to disagree with you there. In fact, I signed up on this forum before I got my first 1a yoyo.
I think it’s a good idea. It would be a good way to try out looping and see if you like it without spending to much. The shipping is no big deal either, just wait until you have to buy something like string or parts and just add it on.
I would buy It. Hope YYE puts it on their shelves.
Here is my review over them if you haven’t already seen it.