New Yoyo

Well you can if you wish, I mean they are just a dollar a set so there really isn’t harm, and yes they are removable. I would recommend the gray shims, just because I believe if you order the other ones it might cause the Surge to have slippy binds, but I could be wrong. Anyways I really do like the new colors, I’m even thinking of getting another one. :smiley:

which one of the new ones you think you’ll get? :smiley:
the shims are removable but I can put them again after if I want to?
and I have just 7 strings left and if I will order it now it will be here in about 4 weeks…what can i do :frowning:

Probably the white one, I am in need of a white yo-yo that plays well. Yes you can remove the shims and place them back whenever you want to. That last one is tough, I’m not sure what you can do, unless you can buy more strings with you order, but other than that I have no advice, forgive me. :-\

I’m ordering this 100 kitty string pack…
I hope i’ll survive 4 weeks with 7 strings :frowning: maybe i’ll try to make some lol…

Yeah, I guess you just are gonna have to make it work until your package comes. :smiley:

is there any good guide on how to make those?

How to make what?

String. I think.

You can pretty much just look it up on youtube and you should find some, but here is one that seems good:

Never really tried it myself, but it seems about right. Good luck. :wink: