New yoyo

When do I should swich yoyo for better one? (please don´t say when I want, feel like it, or can) I am yoyoing with Duncan Moquito (just started couple weeks ago), but it seems to me that it doesn´t have very long spin time for some tricks (currently trying ripcord). So my question is: For what trick I definitely need a better yoyo, then the current one?
Thank you for your answers.

The honest truth is most any trick can be done with a mosquito. However you will really enjoy a nicer yo. You don’t have to spend a bunch of money though. There are many fairly cheap yoyo’s out there that are quite nice. I’d say look at some yoyos and decide what you’d like to get and then order it. Nothing wrong with treating yourself!

There isn’t really a certain trick that you have to change yoyos on, but I recommend that you change your yoyo when you feel that it is impossible to do a certain trick. Just keep in mind that if you stick with your misquito for longer it will make you a smoother and better player in the long run.

thanks for answers, I´ll just keep practicing. :slight_smile:

well since the mosquito is responsive you won’t be able to do most slack or whip tricks such as plastic whip or laceration.

i was useing a throw called the dragonfly, pretty much the same as yours. i switch to my dark magic 2 at around the same point you are at. made my life alot easier and i progressed to a new level of tricks. learning to bind is a must though cause most tricks going forward require unresponsive bearings =]

Yes but I would get a chaser because it is better than my DM II IMO and I have been throwing 2 years and still love my chaser, and for only 27$? It is a steal.

Wouldn’t it be better for him to get something more stave since he is still relatively new? I’ve heard that the chaser feels light but is a bit tippy

Laceration is still possible with a responsive yoyo, ask Ed. You just have to be super smooth, with it.

Get a one with a spec bearing