New YoYo is unresponsive

I’m a beginner and I bought a couple Replay PROs in different colors.

When I throw it, I can’t get the YoYo to return to my hand. It only stays at the end of the string and when I tug hard on it, it just bounces while still staying at the end of the string. It doesn’t wind up.

It just seems like the part that the string is attached to is so slippery, I don’t see how it could ever catch the string and wind up. I don’t know what to do. I can do exactly one trick and it’s a really long sleeper.

Replay PRO ships unresponsive. It’s performing as it was meant to. :wink:

To get the yoyo back to your hand, you will need to learn to bind.

To do tricks that require a responsive yoyo (like UFO), you will need a responsive yoyo.

Most players here play unresponsive, and most of the really fancy tricks are for unresponsive (awesome fixed-axle play notwithstanding). You have a great yoyo for the job, you just need to learn the bind.

On the home page here at YoYoExpert there is a pull down menu entitled “Learn”
Start looking at the learning options and training video’s that have been setup there.

This link would be an excellent place to start:

Your other option is to get a Butterfly XT (I got one at Target for $4) and learn the basics.
Granted your Replay Pros are way more awesome, but yeah, you will need to learn to bind.
There are a million videos on the subject though.

While all of the above encourage you to learn to bind and play unresponsive, an alternative is to lube the bearing. You could use 3-in-1 or sewing machine oil. That will make it play responsive if that’s what you want.

^^ true, but then if they realize they want to play unresponsive like most of the trick videos they’re seeing, they need to learn to clean bearings. :slight_smile:

If you have a couple replays desheild the bearing and put some Vaseline in there.

Acetone will take it out later.

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^^ true, I forgot ugly person said they had multiple. Pack one bearing with oil or even vaseline, and it becomes your responsive one. The other stays unresponsive for when you want to do THOSE tricks and learn to bind.

Yeah. This will all work, you just need to be able to remove the bearing and deshield it.
I would suggest Vaseline over oil. Because when the oil breaks in, it will go unresponsive again.
You can also try adding a wrap or two around the axle, that will help responsiveness.

AND I just remembered I have seen something about YYF discussing a responsive option for the Replay Pro.

I believe this was accomplished by using a really thick response pad.
Something that was so proud it stuck out far into the gap.

Scratch all the rest, I just found them.

Put the green one in one of your replays and then you’ll have one for responsive, and the rest for unresponsive.