New Years resolutions

Anyone have any of these?

For me, all I got is this:
-Look good by the end of the year (2012). Maybe lose some weight, figure out what “style” is, etc. etc.
(Just kidding, I know what style is.)

Find a girl

*oh look there’s one

Come on, nobody has any resolutions? We can all try to become a better person.
Mine are
-Get fit. I already run every other day, but, yanno, 2012 half marathon dream.
Thats about it for now. Happy New Year!

why make resolutions that yer gunna forget about in a week anyway… just try to be the best person you can be year round… not just a day or two after new year…

Find a Girl.

My resolution is legitimate. I didn’t make it specific, because I’m not looking at it like “lose 80 lbs” or “clear up all my acne”, I’m looking at it like I want to feel great and look good.

I don’t hate myself or my body or anything, but there are things I want to change. The purpose in making the resolution isn’t to make a resolution, it’s just to sort of give my plans a structure of some sort.

Find me a girlfriend but no hot girls ware i live. :’( :’(

Create more progress in yoyoing and get a Dark Magic II (:D!)

A good personality trumps good looks any day.

Be wiser with my money. I can have $80 one day and three days later, I won’t have anything.(except for what I bought) :wink:

Yes! I’ve got a YYJ Dark Magic II! It’s awesome and I’m now aiming to complete advance part 2 by the end of the year.

I just try to become better with every year.