New string Brand name poll!!!

Hello everyone, so my string company is starting to come back from the dead, but before we continue we need a new name. Right after i made my strings Bryan Figueroa came out with his line of holsters.

If you have another suggestion then please post it and i will add it to the poll.

And sorry if this is in the wrong section.

Opinions welcome!

Edit: the poll will run until Saturday evening, i will decide between the two most popular names with my team.

Unicorn strings

My brother made me put that one in…

Zing String

Godly threads idk it just sounds cool lol

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keep it the same

:-\ Kinda the same as paranormal strings… But thanks for the suggestion.

Keep in mind if i keep the name then i wont be able to sell on yoyoexpert.

fibonacci’s threads


lines. (with the period)

Manly Strings

I think Unicorn Hair would be better than Unicorn String…

Hyper Threads

“Keep the Brand Name” has a nice ring to it.

Oh… I did not even think about it that way…

I agree that would be awesome

unicorn braids…
anybody…? anybody?

Rabbit Hair :wink:

rabbit fur

Stringz Attached

Pinocchi-yo strings ;D

I can find you as “Unknown” and change tends to confuse me.

thats a clever one