What would fans of Dead Threads want to see from us. Any type of items, collaborations with another suggested company, and etc. I would love to know what you think would make this company more popular or more appealing to you.
If you want your company to be more popular you should create a brand image.
(Think clyw)
Starting with a nice graphic of your company’s name.
Something that will attract people’s attention.
The creator ran logo contests (under both the names DeadThreads and Sarcastic String), and failed to deliver on both, effectively wasting our time, so that’s one reason I guess.
Just gonna put it out there that Rhylan PM’d me saying he was sorry about the outcome of the uncompleted contests. I like that he’s owning up to his mistakes, even if it’s just in private with me (prolly because I’ve been pretty vocal about it).
I’d prefer not to collaborate with anybody. And a battle would be cool, but we would both lose and gain customers, so it is essentially pointless. Unlike others on the forum, I don’t do this as a hobby or game
Possibly, We would need a good bit of sells going for us. @Tiereney, I know that he does, that is because he wanted the Chicago Yoyos’ string coming from DT, and I hope we do get a chance to work with Kevin again!