
hey everyone,

i have been making string. some pretty good stuff with a slight nylon core. i got my first order last week. the problem is i have no name for it. i could use some suggestions for a good name. just try to keep the name short. thanx. if i use your name i will send you a couple of strands.

fire core

4P Strings

Which means “For Players”

idk maybe a simple pro-strings lol

Volume Strings.

superkalifagilisticexpialidozcious minificous string of awesomeness world over

Great spelling of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (I think that’s how it’s spelled. Eh whatever. :P)

Just walk around and pick out objects. You’ll know when you see the right one.

bling string, spin doctor string, fishing line string, killar string?

Oh, guys, trust me, derek let me have a peice of his string, and it is theh best string I have ever used! It is like a combo of Chaos and G string! It is awsome! And it lasts a super long time, best string ever!!! ;D

i double dat lol :stuck_out_tongue:

GoYo string

Um, something other than YoYo string???

Nah, how 'bout:
Cortex String
Nerve String
Core Cord